
February 10, 2014

Everything's coming up roses!

My plan for today was to reveal the finished product of "Birches in Spring" and get a lot of work done on "Briar Rose".  But, best laid plans and all that - because most of my weekend was spent in bed with a migraine. Augh. So this weekend was not as interesting as I had hoped.

Nevertheless, in those hours when I was upright for awhile, I managed to make some roses. In fact, ...

I managed to make 150 pink roses. Looking at the picture above, I think I need to make another 50 or 60. 

I also made 50 purple roses (and will have to make an equal number of white roses, a hundred or so red ones, and perhaps another 100 yellow roses.) 

I also got a little more grass stitching done..

But it needs some more work. 

So I guess that's my week planned! :) I'll have some more work to show you on Wednesday - perhaps a squirrel or two. :D

See you then!
Kit 120


  1. Everything is looking wonderful, Kit! :D

  2. You did this in the midst of a migraine? Whoa! I have no doubt in your ability to get the rest of those pieces created when you are well. :-)

  3. So much done despite the migraine. Hope it has now gone away.

  4. sorry about the migraine. booooo. but you did some lovely tiny things. your attention to detail is inspiring!

  5. Your little flowers are beautiful. Have you dyed your fabric for yourself? I'm looking forward to the finished embroidery design. I recently poppy field with many flowers embroidered in colored cotton satin. But I'll only publish my work in mid-May in my blog. It must be shown only on a artquilt exhibition.


So, apparently I'm open for business again. :) Say hi if you like!