
February 17, 2014

Spring Chickens

I finally finished this little piece (10.5 x 13.5 inner 16 x 20 matted). 

Last time you saw it, I said the only thing missing was a little creature. At the time, I had in mind that I would add a little hare, or perhaps a bunny; but the more I looked at it, the more I realized it needed something else.

Squirrels, I thought - or perhaps a lot of little insects...? And while I stitched my grasses I thought and thought about it, until I remembered... delightfully charmed I was the first time I saw pictures of chickens in sweaters. And so of course I knew then that chickens it had to be.

 I first sketched, then painted them on lutradur, and then added some little stitched details - a lacy collar and trim on her hat, and diamond patterned sweater for him.

There's a little cat hiding in the picture too; and he started out as a little bit of painted lutradur too. 

and, the finished piece. 

A couple of spring chickens!

Kit 120


  1. That's really charming - and, as ever, beautifully made!

  2. awwww, this is so sweet. and those tiny chickens just make me love you more.

  3. OMGoodness, it's fantastic, Kit! Storytelling indeed! And I love the distant pale green trees in the background. That's a nice effect. Great piece!

  4. So precious Kit! I LOVE it! This is your gift, as an artist - the ability to express lovely sweetness in your work… :)

    1. Thanks Sheila - I've come to the realization that my narrative work is almost always from a child's point of view. I guess that's the "sweetness" you (and others) see in my work. :)

  5. Well. that was a surprise. I was expecting a rabbit or a squirrel. You always surprise me with your "visions". I love this little piece and I especially like the nosy kitty hiding by the tree!!

  6. What a nice piece of whimsey to add the 'dressed' chickens - I love it!

  7. This is one of my favorites you've done so far, Kit!


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