
March 4, 2014

A little tug o' the heart strings. :)

This little piece is off to its new home today after being spotted on my new gallery at See-Me 
It's been a favourite in our house and so, except for a couple of trips out as either a display piece in window advertising a show, on a small easel on a table at a couple of show and sales I’ve had, and in the Ontario Network of Needleworkers show last year; this piece has otherwise been on constant display  in our home for the last 3 years.

As you can imagine, when the collector contacted me about purchasing it, I had to have a conversation with BSP about whether or not I should sell it, BSP in favour of not, and I saying yes – after all, if I want to be a full-time working artist some day, I have to sell my work!
Today it goes off to its new home, where I’m sure it will be loved and appreciated, though it will be missed, here in the Lang household. J

If you’d like to have a look at my gallery, you can find it HERE

Kit 120


  1. Congratulations. Enjoyed all of your art in the link. They all say Kit.

  2. Congratulations. I am glad that your See-Me site is paying off.

  3. Went to the link....a really great way to present your art.


So, apparently I'm open for business again. :) Say hi if you like!

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