
May 23, 2014

Week Links Post - 18

The QC Times out of  Davenport, IA,  has an article about two fiber exhibits opening at the Figge Art Museum.  The above piece by Nick Cave called "Soundsuit" is part of the exhibition. You can read about that HERE.

I never do this, but there's a first time for everything. If you live in Bainbridge, the Bainbridge Modern Quilt Guild has an open call for entry for a show at the Bainbridge Island Museum of Art. You can also make blocks for "American Hero Quilts" at that show.  Check that out here

There's an article HERE in the New York Times about fiber artist Hugo Guinness. (I want to be a "decorator's darling" too. Where do I sign up for that? ;) )

The Smithsonian has announced their annual photo contest winners HERE

More news about that art in Detroit story, the Judge has ruled that the art cannot be taken for inspection. HERE

After 13 years as a brick and mortar business, Berman Fine Art Gallery has advised that it will now be online only. Could this be the wave of the future? Here's what it might look like (and it looks good!)  Berman Fine Art Gallery

Kate Themel has announced the opening of a new fiber exhibit entitled "Quilts Then and Now" at the Windham Textile Museum. You can read more about that HERE

I think I've sent you to the Google Art Project before, but I read about it on someone else's blog this week, and I couldn't remember whether I had done so or not, so go check that out HEREIt's pretty cool - you can look at 345 art collections that showcase the work of 8,541 artists. You can enter an artist's name in the search box to see the work up close and personal, or click on the details option to find out more about the artist. There's lots of ways you can play with it, including curating a gallery of what you love best.  And looking at other art can only make us better, right? :)

The Hampton Roads out of Virginia, SC (rather surprisingly) has an article about that age-old questions, "But is it art?".  The piece they're showing as an example of this question is one I am bemused and amused by myself, so it's good to know I'm not alone! Check that out HERE.

Related, the New York Times has an article about Juliette Binoche's work on Broadway, where she plays a painter. But she actually paints the art in the show, and I've gotta say, it looks like art to me. But without intention, is it art? Before you answer that, think about the Gees Bends quilts, which are certainly sold as art, whether you think they are or not, and the makers never made them with the intention to hang them so...?   Check out the article HERE

Similarly, the Idaho Statesman out of Boise, Idaho also tackles the "Is it art or is it craft?" question, HERE


Fiber Art In The News!

North America

The Tri-Cities Courier out of Tennessee  has an article about (believe it or not!) whether fiber art is art! They talk to artists and a gallery owner here

The Reedly Exponent does a short interview with the Fletchers about their quilt show at the West Coast Mennonite Central Committee here

Dayton Daily News out of  Ohio has an article outlining various upcoming events, including a show called "Without A Word", quilts by the Art Quit Network at the Zanesville Art Museum featuring quilts by Nancy Crow (!) I would love to see that!  here

Grand Traverse Insider out of   Traverse, Michigan, has a article about a show that features four different artists, one of whom is an art quilter, Robin Webb-Bransky, that article is here

The Baltimore Sun out of Baltimore, Maryland,  has an article about an art quilt exhibit here

The San Francisco Gate has an article about the Oaklands area textile art scene, here

The Great Falls Tribuine our of Missoula, Montana has an article about Bonnie Tarses's show at the Four Ravens Gallery here


The Midhurst And Petworth out of West Sussex in the UK has an article about Peg Loom's weaving, here

The Kuna Net out of Kuwait has an article about the Textile Arts Association 15th annual art show, here

And that's all she wrote!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Kit. Deadline looming so I've had to bookmark the links this week!


So, apparently I'm open for business again. :) Say hi if you like!