
May 7, 2014


So, I forgot to post last night. And now I'm at work and don't have access to the photos I wanted to post. So we're going to do the Wednesday post on Thursday, okay?  Why not - I did the Monday post on Tuesday. *big grin* Maybe next week I'll get it right!

And in other news, I just got my first rejection.


So yeah, I know it's part of an artist's life and I've been more lucky than I can say that thus far, everything I've applied for, I've been accepted in.  But it's harder than I expected.

Oh,  Musée Laurier, why didn't you like my little birds? They are BEAUTIFUL.  I don't care that you got over 2,000 applicants (holy cow!) or that you were only able to choose 50. WHY DIDN'T YOU LIKE MY BIRDS?!?!? My PRECIOUS, PRECIOUS BIRDS?!?!?


Okay, I'm better now.

See you tomorrow.  :)


  1. LOL...Love the cat. Sorry for your pain, but now you know how us mortals feel! Keeps smiling!

  2. Too funny (sorry). Does it matter that I like your birds?

  3. bwahaha i feel for you, really i do BWAHAHAH HA ;) Comes with the territory, frame it.

  4. WOW, really? This is your first rejection?! Usually you get all the rejections and then finally get accepted. I know I have had my share of rejections. It hurts. Glad you are getting over it quickly. I love the cat photo. That is pretty much how I feel when i receive a rejection. Hahaha I think your beautiful birdies will just need to fly off to some other show!

  5. I like your birds and they will find somewhere better to come to roost I'm sure.


So, apparently I'm open for business again. :) Say hi if you like!

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