
September 19, 2014

Peace Felt

Have you heard of Peace Felt

I hadn't either, but back in the early summer, a friend of mine was all excited about the concept. Members of Peace Felt each year, exchange a piece of felted art, "For Peace to be Felt in hearts across the world." Now, it's me - so you know I have a more practical point of view, and didn't quite understand how my exchanging art with a random stranger was supposed to allow peace to be felt. 

Nevertheless, my friend was quite excited about it, explained that we would each get to know someone who lives in another country, and we would be able to "dialogue" with one another. She wanted someone to join with her, and since I didn't see the harm, I joined. 

Of course, my friend didn't. :/

*ahem*  Anyway, this is my contribution to my partner, who ...

a: lives in the U.S. and b: has been completely resistant to the idea of "dialogue" - other than responding to my initial email she has refused any attempts at communication. Soooooo, bit of a bust all 'round, wouldn't you say?

When I left you last, I had a pile of roving made up of whites and creams and greys on the table, which became this:

which eventually became this.

After that, it was time for some simple hand stitching...

Which became this, 

And off in the background, this.

I wanted to add a little creature (as is is my wont, ha ha!), and it looked like it might be okay...

But once stitched down, I kind of ruined it (I had used a floss that was too thick.)  So removed it, and called it "done!"

My peace felt landscape. 

I hope it brings peace to my partner, no matter how transient.

See  you Monday, when I'll be starting my Christmas stock. (I've already had inquiries about when it will be available!) 

Have a great weekend. :)


  1. LOL! I've realized lately that I have more in common with your flaky friend than I'd like to admit. But, I am all admiration for your piece. I think we both love birch trees. They will be lucky, your silent partner!

  2. How strange that your partner isn't communicating!. I may take part next year. It sounds a lovely idea.

  3. Your Peace Art is lovely. Whenever we create something, I do believe that we are bringing good into this world simply by the act of creation. And then sharing that creation with another, even just as you have here on your blog adds to that goodness. Your partner is sure to love it.

  4. This entry made me laugh Kit, I can imagine your partner is probably like me forgetful or slow at responding, hopefully she will get back to doing her part for world peace, Your felted landscape is beautiful.

  5. Your peace felt is lovely, even if it hasn't brought about any dialogue.

  6. Sounds like a very nice venture ... too bad a connection wasn't made by your partner ! I, on the other hand, would have yakked your head off ;)


So, apparently I'm open for business again. :) Say hi if you like!