
February 15, 2016


You may have noticed that my recent posts are about beading. No, I haven't gone over to the dark side!

It's because I've a piece in mind that will require extensive beading, and I haven't got clue one about how to go about it. I mean, I know how to sew a bead on, but I also know that it takes more than that.


I decided that the best way to learn how to bead was to actually do so; so I joined The Bead Journal Project. It's a group of beaders that commits to making one project per month and posting about it.

(right side)

And I also took a two day beading class at BeadFX with Anne Marie Desaulniers.

(left side)

So, here's my January contribution. Just a wee bit late (lol) as it turned out to be much more time consuming than I originally anticipated.


I've also been working on a commission which has been taking up much of my time!


As I'm just a beginner, I've got loads of room for improvement, but I'm very happy with it.

Talk to you later!


  1. Good to see your blog post and that is QUITE the beaded box. Glad to see you are busy and having fun

  2. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaI LOVE IT!!!!! i collect decor boxes and box purses!!!

  3. Ah Kit! Beads!!! I never imagined I could get into beading, but there is something about those small, shiny twinkly things that is addictive.

    I've yet to take a class. I've watched a few videos and think I really ought to to learn some of the stitches. Peyote anyone?

    But the possibilities in textile art are endless!

    Looking forward to seeing more. Xx

  4. I wasn't able to reply to you directly, Mistress Hook - so I'll thank you here. :)

  5. The beading is wonderful...and it's never the dark side.

  6. Thanks Leah. There are those who would beg to differ! ;)


So, apparently I'm open for business again. :) Say hi if you like!