
November 12, 2018


It occurred to me that I should either delete all of my blogs or actually post. 

As I typed that, I realized that what I SHOULD do is delete the Kit Lang Art blog and go back to posting on the Kit Lang FIBER art blog (this one), because who am I kidding? I have a bunch of blogs and a website and I don’t really post on any of them. May as well keep the one that actually has followers and a long history of content! 

So this is an announcement to let you know that I am back to posting here, on Kit Lang Fiber Art, and have deleted the blog. But just to make things extra confusing, I am renaming Kit Lang Fiber Art,  "Studio Kit" because there are just too damn many Kit Lang Art(s) out there.  LMAO. 

in this photo, I was trying to decide between cloth birch trees (centre) and paper birch trees (outer trees)
I thought the creamier colour of the cloth would show up better on this piece, but nope - paper it is!

Speaking of content, do people actually read blogs anymore? I know I drifted away from reading them a few years ago, and gradually stopped posting at about the same time.

And then in the ensuing years, I have mostly (only) worked on commission work, and not much else.  When I was blogging, I produced a lot of work because I was worried about producing “content” for my readers – an obligation that I had a love/hate relationship with. 

And then I decided that producing content as an obligation to people who didn’t know me was a silly way to live my life so decided to post whenever I felt like it and to hell with the obligation.  And well, here we are. No content at all.  Ooops.

As you can see, I've added some texture, colour, and branches to the birch trees. 
More hand-stitched branches (and leaves!) will follow

In part though, this dénouement has not only been about content, but about a concern with “engagement”, and whether it was worth the time and effort of producing content for a blog when the “engagement” was so low.  Such is social media in our time.  When I first started blogging 20 years ago now (! – although my first blog had nothing to do with fiber art), I figured I was talking to myself, and was not only astonished, but a bit put out when I got my first comment.  

I had actually *liked* talking to myself and was upset that there were people reading "my journal".  Ah, the innocence.  lol

Anyway, fast forward 20 years and I’ve had FIVE fiber art blogs, most of which have gone by the wayside.  Some of you may remember good old “Diva Quilts” – that was my very first fiber art blog all about my new passion, quilting.  After I got into "ART" (remember all of my hand wringing about whether or not I qualified to be an "artist"? *insert eyeroll here*), I started “Coneflowers in Leslieville” – the name of my very first “art quilt”.  But I found that keeping up the two blogs was too much work.

So I started ANOTHER blog – kitlangfiberart (this one right here, kids!) which was where I decided to do all things fiber art related, and made that my new home.

Here, I've added some grasses and ferns - more of the same in both cloth and hand-stitch will follow...

So I got rid of Coneflowers in Leslieville  - well strictly speaking, I folded its content and the content from what was now into the kitlangfiberart blog, and continued posting here ever since.  That was ... well truthfully, I can't really remember anymore when that was.  hahaha. (I remembered! It was 2008.) 

What’s funny though, is that to date, Diva Quilts had the most engagement out of any blog or site in my fiber art history. (I did have another “lifestyle” blog under another name that had a HUGE following back in the early days of the internet.) But "Diva Quilts" remains such a popular name (I think I still have a business registration in that name hanging about!), that all these years later if I wanted to buy back my old domain name, I would have to pay over $3,000 for it!

Related: there’s a guy who lives in my city who’s an actor who has the same first and last name that I do.  For a few years, he had the domain name which made me gnash my teeth somewhat.

When he finally let it go, I tried to buy it, but it was selling for over $1,000 which seemed to me to be a ridiculous amount of money.  I just checked, and now our combined star power makes the domain name worth $2,300.  lol  I should have stuck with Diva Quilts!

Blah, blah, how I do go on!

The progress...

Anyway, all of this is to say, that I think I’m going to try and start blogging again, because doing so forced me to be less lazy about producing work. I don’t think I’ll ever go back to blogging 3 times a week, but maybe if I blogged twice a month, that would make me actually get off my ass and do some work. 

Because I am a bear of very little brain, and also because I am of the personality type that when you start doing one thing, you start doing another, and another, until you eventually become overwhelmed and collapse and do nothing - I’m actually taking a course which requires a lot of memory work (which is not my strong suit!), so of course I want to start blogging and producing more work outside of commissions.  Just when I have all the time in the world.  FYI, I also want to start going more regularly to the gym and join a choir.  Can you hear me laughing at myself? lol

Some lint that was in my sewing machine.  Hahah kidding! This is actually some roving which will be
 needlefelted and made into some little creatures...content for the next post perhaps!

So... all of which to say, I am hoping to be blogging again more regularly, however, not at because I have now deleted it - and which is not to be confused with, which I suggest you visit frequently (lol I need the hits!)

So who knows, you may see some “content” here, whether you actually “engage” with it or not.

And perhaps I’ll occasionally blog over on my proper website, which believe it or not, has a blog too – although I only ever put place holder content there and have never updated it since. Cause I'm a marketing GENIUS.  lmao

And if I’m talking to myself as I did back in the old days, that will be okay too. 

I’ll just wave at myself and tell me I’m doing a good job.  J

Okay bye! 


  1. BWAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAA, still reading you, when you do post :)

    And i still find blogging useful,though few people read it, unless by email follow. I like Instagram, FB is okay, but blogging is where the useful stuff is, for past reference and for development.

    When i started blogging in 2003, my first comment was from my father, who took me to task for some of my language............ NARF

  2. I'm so glad you are surfacing again. I've missed you and your "signature" work. I still have the Crow quilt you made me as well as the quilt I bought from you - one of BSP's faves. I re-followed this blog and get you on Feedly where I DO read all new posts to about 40 blogs. That means one to three a day. I tried to end my blog as well and got so many replies that I've kept it up. It does keep me on task creating. Looking forward to your future work!!!!!

  3. Good to see a post from you, Kit. I'm reading at the blogspot address. It interested me that you used to create work so you could have something to post about. For me -- at least for 10 of the 15+ years I've been blogging, I post mainly to share what I've been working on -- the process. :-) I don't post as often any more either -- usually every couple of weeks -- but then again I'm editor of my church parish's blog and of the SAQA Western Canada blog and I write a post every other week for The Shop where I work p/ altogether the Frustrated Writer side of me as well as the textile artist side of me is happy! Again, glad you're posting and I continue to follow!


So, apparently I'm open for business again. :) Say hi if you like!

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