Winter Is Coming

My little transfer paint piece is complete. I've been reading Game of Thrones and my head is filled with images of that magical realism world; the kind of place where supernatural happenings and creatures blend seamlessly with the "real" world.

The Weirwood trees are white I know, but this one is in shadow, at dusk, in late autumn.

And it can both hear you and see you.

Process here and here, how to do transfer painting here

Kit Lang


  1. I love this! The piecing, quilting everything looks wonderful :)

  2. Seriously, I have faith in you but I could not imagine what in the world you were going to do with that pile of scraps. This is simply breathtaking.....great job!

  3. I love your interpretation ... lol, I am doing the quilt a long with Melody and I find it so freeing so far. I read what she did and went on and randomly cut and fused. It is fun and has given me ideas for finishes for some UFOs! Thanks for the inspiration!


  4. love it kit - colours, shape - everything

  5. I agree-I love your interpretation and I love this piece.

  6. Oh gosh, that's beautiful!

  7. Love this piece -- the background is amazing!

  8. Love this piece Kit. Your background is beautiful (as is your tree). I haven't used my transfer pieces yet, but you have inspired me.

  9. I love it! That's amazing!

  10. This is beautiful! Eloquent and evocative... I should art from my love for fantasy, too - what a great idea! The background is gorgeous, I love the stark contrast with the tree!

  11. Anonymous10.2.12

    Kit, I am amazed... I keep going back to that original pile of scraps you showed us and scratching my head! To be able to see this end piece - and to pull it off so beautifully- wow!

    Kat [wtrstone at

  12. This looks like a stormy sky to me. I like the colours and textures of the background very much and the tree gives it a focus. You must be pleased with this. It works for me.


  13. Mary, your comment made me laugh. I actually do know what I'm doing sometimes! ;)

  14. Yvonne, did you know you're a no-reply blogger? Your profile is set up well, you should just add that bit!

    Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment - and you're right - after doing this piece I thought there's no reason why I shouldn't have been making work based on my love of adult fantasy all along!

  15. Thanks Kat - the trick is, I saw the piece first, so when I made that "pile of scraps" I was forming it to make what I saw in my head. So I always knew where I was going even if you didn't. :)

  16. AWESOME!!! I'm speechless. I too wondered what you were going to do with the scraps. Couldn't wait to see, and you know how I feel about trees. WOW!!!

  17. Thanks Carol - but why do people keep calling the background "scraps"? These were pieces I deliberately cut from larger pieces of fabric to carefully form the background that I wanted. They weren't "scraps"

    Sheesh! ;)

  18. Sheesh indeed :)
    This is a wonderful piece of art, I haven't read the book you refer to, but I do feel the fantasy-atmosphere you brought into it.

  19. Oh my! Oh wow! Oh, I'm so glad I found your blog (through TGIF)

  20. Hello Kit, Your art is absolutely stunning. And thank you for the hint about the book. :) You are reminding me of the books "The Secret Life of Plants" as well as the experiments in which a synthesizer is attached to a plant and the electrical impulses produced by the plant creates music. is a great video. So, the plants DO watch us. :) Everything does.
    Your art is magnificent.
    Thank you,
    Christina in Cleveland

  21. Wow, Kit! It's awesome! Wow! I haven't read the Game of Thrones yet, but it's on my list. I'll have to bump it up now because I want to read what you've made!

  22. susana11.2.12

    Cuando llegue el invierno,el invierno salvaje que matara la colina y el bosque ;
    cuando caigan los arboles y la noche sin estrellas devore el día sin sol; cuando el viento sople mortalmente del este entonces....
    del Señor de los anillos II.
    Que BELLEZA es su intención.La atmósfera que logro entre los 2 planos es increíble.No digo fondo ,porque ,porque esos colores que logro no son un fondo.

  23. Susana, cuando lo estaba haciendo, yo también recuerdo del Señor de los Anillos y los árboles que caminan. Creo que me gustaría hacer algunos árboles que caminan caprichosas que viene!

  24. Fantastic Kit. I think the bits of green in the sky are magical...creating movement around the tree and keeping the viewer from falling to the ground. (Although the ground would be worth falling on.)

  25. Thanks T&J! I wanted to create just that effect. :)

  26. This is a really lovely piece. I love the texture of the patterns in the background. It definitely has a mystical feel. Looks like 2012 is off to a great start for you.

  27. Wow! that's all I can think of right now

  28. Wow Kit! Awesome. The colors in the background are fantastic and the quilting add so much movement to your piece.

  29. Hi Kit!

    Thank you so very much for participating in the blog hop! Wishing you much success in your bloggy endeavors. Excited new follower :)



So, apparently I'm open for business again. :) Say hi if you like!