"Part two?" (I'm sure you're saying,) "When was there a part one?"
Well, "
part one" was about a year and half ago. Which is why you *may* not remember it.
And I'll forgive you if you have. ;)
Last time I was doing bundles of cloth wrapped in vegetable matter which I had variously boiled, steamed, stewed and let rot for a month. Yummy!
Well this time, I did compost dyeing.
Which is pretty much what it sounds like. You takes your cloth, you takes your vegetation, you throw it in a plastic bag, and you bury it in the garden.
I used rayon fabric as my carrier (I find that rayon takes up dye BEAUTIFULLY
(even in some cases better than cotton and silk), I added my vegetation, and I also added scraps of coloured fabric. Just for the hell of it, 'cuz I wanted to see if the coloured commercial fabrics would pick up any of the vegetation, and if so, how.
^ This one is particularly cool, isn't it? I think it looks like old, diseased skin - perfect if it I ever make a zombie, or someone really, really ill. :D
But back to our story, so the really interesting thing that happened with the coloured commercial fabrics, is that they didn't pick up any vegetation (although there were some "spine" resists) but they *did* end up transfering colour to the rayon - which is why I have those beautiful brilliant pinks and purples and teal as well as the lovely browns and beiges.
Some of the fabrics actually rotted as can be seen above - and my yucky skin one is so fragile from said rotting I don't think I'll actually be able to use it.
And another reason I won't be able to use it? The SMELL. ERHMAGAWD THE SMELL. lol
When I opened up the bags, the bags themselves had torn and eroded, so dirt had gotten in, as well as insects and worms (ugh) - and the fabric was so slimy and putrid looking, I didn't even know if it could be rescued. After a lot (like, a LOT) of rinsing, I realized they could be washed and used - so I washed them. Four times. Because the smell of rotting vegetation wouldn't come out.
And then I soaked them in a bucket of detergent and Febreeze for another week because the smell
still wouldn't come out.
And it still hasn't. So the fabric isn't actually usable - I figure eventually, I'll use these photos and make the fabric on Spoonflower or some other site like it, and I'll be able to use it that way.
But I don't think I'll be doing much more eco dyeing in the future.
Back to the procions and disperse dyeing for me!
And back to the shirt piece on Wednesday!