A Rare Saturday Post...

I'm doing a Saturday post because I want to remind you all of the giveaway.  I don't have anything to say really, so check out this video I made instead:

and don't forget to check out the giveaway!

If you want to see it bigger - it's on You Tube as well.  (I couldn't make it embed for some reason).


Kit Lang


  1. That is so hysterical! Love your sewing room buddies, but feel just a wee bit sorry for Paul (is that his name). Does he have a "partner"? Great names!!

  2. Anonymous18.2.12

    WOW I LOVE IT!! All the years we have "known" each other this is the first time I have ever heard your voice. I also love all the sewing room assistants. Do they help with the ideas too? I think you should make a quilt version of your fish tank. You could even make it like a pop up book and have a little slidey tab that open and closes Hank's mouth. Thanks for the great video..more please.

  3. @Marv - didn't you hear the singing post I did on Livejournal four or five years ago?

    Also - the quilted fishtank is a fun idea. I may have to do that some time! :)

  4. Kit - you are quite mad (in a good way!) Do they unpick seams? Do they make you cups of coffee? If not, then I think their claims to be sewing room assistants needs to be renegotiated! Clearly, they are not matching their job descriptions. I only know this so well as I was 'sewing room assistant' last weekend to Son No 1 (the other Kit) and that is what I was doing!



  5. susana19.2.12

    ji ji ,en la otra vida voy a pedir ,ser pez asistente de costura.

  6. Susana, me encantaría que usted tiene!


So, apparently I'm open for business again. :) Say hi if you like!