Welcome to Kit Lang Fiber Art

and The Bloggers' Quilt Festival!  I'm Kit Lang, a developing fiber artist, in Toronto, Canada, and I'm glad to have you here!

Thank you to Amy at Amy's Creative Side for hosting this festival, and thanks to all the lovely sponsors who help to support it!

Today, I thought I'd share with you a quilt I made called "Off  To Oz!" that is completely out of my usual comfort zone, but one that I'm really happy with just the same.  So, how did I end up making a quilt that wasn't what I usually do?  Well see, what happened was...

Generation Q Magazine (have you heard about them? They're this great e-zine and online community for modern/contemporary quilters - you should check them out!)  Anyway - GenQ had a challenge they called the Scrap Splat Challenge:

the brief was simple - Thomas Knauer would sent us 40 scraps, and we had to use them all in the completed piece.  Long before the scraps came to me in the mail, I had two designs.  Which design I chose would depend on what the scraps looked like when they arrived. 

Well, when I saw the monkey butt (front and centre in the picture above); my design was chosen! (Process in this post.) And that was it! It was such a relaxed challenge; one that I really enjoyed, with a fun result.

Thanks for coming by, and make sure to go and see as many quilts as you can in this fabulous festival.

  Bloggers' Quilt Festival Fall 2011


Kit Lang


  1. WOW - truly not the Kit-style I expected to see. But a wonderful, whimsical quilt, LOVE IT !! and your quilting is just superb. It was well worth the waiting ;-))

  2. This quilt makes me smile it just looks so fun!

  3. What an awesome quilt!!

  4. Great fun, Kit! The quilting is awesome!

  5. this is soooo cute. my sewing area feels like it was hit by the scrap tornado! hahaha

  6. Love that quilting! And a quilt just isn't a quilt without a monkey butt :) Great color choices!

  7. Kit...YOU should be happy with your results......excellent color distribution, wonderful energy, marvelous subject, quilting really enhances your design. Keep up the good work!

  8. I did not clock this one as yours! Love the contrast of the red and blue, plus the whole whimsy of it. Brilliant!

  9. Anonymous28.10.11

    What a fantastic idea! and your quilting is amazing!

  10. What a fun quilt and great way to meet the challenge! I love the texture added by all the quilting lines, they must have taken for ever.

  11. Love what you did with the scraps, Kit! Very cool!

  12. beautiful work! I love the quilting!

  13. Your quilt just jumped out and grabbed me! Love the playfulness of it and the quilting is a great complement to the design. Thanks for sharing!

  14. Fun!!What a great quilt you made out of those scraps!

  15. @Angie and Erica - you're both no-reply bloggers - so thank you for your kind comments and thanks for stopping by!

  16. What a wonderful fun quilt!! I've been enjoying coming across these Splat Scrap challenge results, they're all so different.

  17. What a fun quilt! And I love the quilting.

  18. Your quilt looks great. it is such good fun. Love the design, the colours and the quilting.

  19. what a delightful quilt! i love the playful design and the scrappiness.

  20. Fantastically fun quilt! Love it and agree your quilting is wonderful, too. Thanks for sharing and have a great day

  21. Wow! Now that's a great dose of color. Beautiful quilt!

  22. what a fun quilt. Thanks for sharing.

  23. I love this quilt! That fabric tornado is spectacular!!

  24. Wow, this is fantastic! I love quilts that capture humor and i love the saturated background color you chose. I'll have to check out Gen Q. That sounds like such a fun challenge!

  25. What a great artistic interpretation of a tornado. Well done. The quilting lines are amazing.

  26. too fun!


  27. What a fun quilt! Great job and thanks for the Generation Q link I will definitely check that out.

  28. wow, this is amazing!

  29. What fun! I love the whirlwind of fabric & all the quilting that helps move it around.
    I laughed out loud about the monkey butt - that was my favorite piece on mine too!

  30. What a fun quilt! I love your quilting on it, too. I am now off to check out Generation Q Magazine!

  31. Fun and delightful. The name says it all. :D

  32. completely genius! The whole quilt is amazing!

  33. Kit, Greetings from Cyprus!
    Oh my-I absolutely love the movement in your quilt! The quilting is amazing and the pieces flying about! Well done! :)

  34. Brilliant! Love the quilting, it really sets this piece off!

  35. Sister - you're a no reply blogger so thank you very much for stopping by and for your lovely comment!

  36. I LOVE this! It's wonderful! The colors, the quilting, the concept -- just wonderful!

  37. such an original quilt, fun and vibrant I love it!

  38. Well, that is an interesting way to use the fabrics. How original!
    Good for you to come up with something so unique.

  39. Way to step out of your comfort zone...it's amazing! I love the quilting too! Smiles~Beth

  40. This is FANTASTIC, Kit! And I had to smile when I saw this because I had *just* stepped away from writing my lecture notes for tomorrow (taking a break to tour around the Quilt Festival)...and you know what I'm teaching right now? Yup, Baum's _The Wonderful Wizard of Oz_! What a coincidence! Anyway, this quilt has wonderful energy and movement -- I love it and thanks for sharing it :)

  41. I love the playful feel of this quilt. Thanks for sharing, someday I hope to be this brave and step out side of my comfort zone too.

  42. Such a fun design! And the quilting is just awesome. Love how you stuck that monkey butt front and center. It adds a wonderful sense of whimsy and humor. Thanks for sharing! :)

  43. I *love* this quilt on so many levels: Originality, the monkey butt (LOL!), movement, and the quilting. Yep, you answered that challenge with a big roar!

  44. LOVe evrything about this quilt from the process to the fence, the flowers, the roof that is exploding off..just like my house! And then there are the scraps! FABULOUS! Thank you for sharing!

  45. What a fun quilt!

  46. Adorable, and the perfect name!

  47. I love this quilt- such a great playful design. Happy to have found it in BQF!

  48. Great quilt, and the freedom is obvious. Like you, I'd pick the monkey butt for a focus too!!

  49. Oh, this is just great! One of my favorites in the festival! Thanks so much for sharing it!

  50. I really love your quilt! It's so expressive and fun. Your quilting is fabulous.

  51. Anonymous5.11.11

    I love the whimsy of this quilt. Plus it's super fun to read a blog that uses the phrase "monkey butt" :-)

    ~ meagan

  52. Your quilt is so fun. I love the background color. The design is great!

  53. Your quilting is just awesome! I love the bold colors on your quilt. This Festival has been so great - thanks for stopping by my place, too!

  54. PS I'm your newest follower! Hugs!

  55. Congratulations I love your quilt, super original design

  56. Interesting story and quilt. Thanks for sharing.

  57. Oh this is great fun! Good for you for meeting the challenge!

  58. What a great idea! Makes me want to try some challenge pieces to see if it stirs up some different ideas in me!

  59. Such a cool quilt!

  60. Great job!!! Thanks for the comment on my blog too!

  61. It's fabulous! The second I saw Off to Oz, I knew it was a winner. Congratulations!

  62. Well...I believe this is the first quilt I have ever seen that was inspired by a monkey butt...but it worked beautifully and I am so jealous...I would love to try something like this. Thank you for making me smile this early in the morning.


So, apparently I'm open for business again. :) Say hi if you like!