I actually got this idea from Deborah O'Hare over at Quilt Routes (exhibiting at Booth O14 at Festival of Quilts, this week). Some time ago, she talked on her blog about saving her paper towels for future use in her art. (What she does HERE.) http://quiltroutes.blogspot.ca/2011/09/scrappy-journal-part-1.html I thought it was a cool idea, even though I didn't think I had any intention of working with paper - but decided nevertheless that I would dry out every paper towel I used when I was painting, and save the pretty ones.
I've got a pretty good stack of them now, but when I saw THIS one, I was all... hoooolllyyyyy mackeral. That thing is GORGEOUS. So I had to make something out of it!
There was a big hole in the middle of it from my rubbing during clean up, so I trimmed it out and seamed it up. ( I guess I should add here that it has to be really good quality paper towel to hold up to quilting and stitching.)
I also made a little trip to the The Paper Place and picked up a bundle of some lovelies - including this 6 x 6 sheet of gold with lettering above (If anyone knows what that says, let me know!)
Come back on Friday for the finished piece!
P.S. - Linking up with WIP Wednesdays over at The Needle and Thread Network. Come see what other Canadian fiber artists are up to!