Showing posts with label collage and mixed media. Show all posts
Showing posts with label collage and mixed media. Show all posts

The 100 Day Project

Hello again, and happy March!The days are flying by really quickly aren't they? I've got a lot to share...

Poor, neglected blog!

Working on a concept sketch for a new project tonight. So far, there's a pig, three kids and...

Making progress

So, it seems that rather than post twice per month, I’m posting once a month. What are you...


You may have noticed that my recent posts are about beading. No, I haven't gone over to the...

Road trip!

    Last weekend, BSP and I decided to go and see Quilts=Art=Quilts before it closed. I'm currently...

Yorick's Garden

  *drumroll*     *drumroll*   ...

Catching up on Paperwork...

Sometimes when I'm thinking about a bigger project (one that's both physically bigger, and "more important" bigger); I...

Lake of Dreams

Why make one, when you can make four?  None of this "less is more" stuff for me!  Of...

Paperwork #1

Ta dah!!!  lol  Okay, maybe I shouldn't toot my own horn, but I LOVE this piece - and...

Working with disposables...

I actually got this idea from Deborah O'Hare over at Quilt Routes (exhibiting at Booth O14 at Festival of...