Hello again, and happy March!The days are flying by really quickly aren't they? I've got a lot to share...
Showing posts with label collage and mixed media. Show all posts
Showing posts with label collage and mixed media. Show all posts
Working on a concept sketch for a new project tonight. So far, there's a pig, three kids and...
So, it seems that rather than post twice per month, I’m posting once a month. What are you...
You may have noticed that my recent posts are about beading. No, I haven't gone over to the...
Last weekend, BSP and I decided to go and see Quilts=Art=Quilts before it closed. I'm currently...
*drumroll* *drumroll* ...
Sometimes when I'm thinking about a bigger project (one that's both physically bigger, and "more important" bigger); I...
Why make one, when you can make four? None of this "less is more" stuff for me! Of...
Ta dah!!! lol Okay, maybe I shouldn't toot my own horn, but I LOVE this piece - and...
I actually got this idea from Deborah O'Hare over at Quilt Routes (exhibiting at Booth O14 at Festival of...
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