14/90 meets my finger

Yes, that really is a 14/90 needle that I managed to sew THROUGH my finger. 

The staff at the hospital described it as "cool", "interesting" and "weird"; said things like "I've never seen THAT before" and complimented me on my calmness. (I am, actually, remarkably calm in emergency situations.)

I love that the thread is still hanging out of the end of my finger.  (Don't mind the horrible cuticles - I'm in serious need of a manicure, but it's going to have to wait.)

No bones were damaged (well, not seriously there's just a little bone bruising) and the flesh is healing well - the back of my finger is closed already and the puncture in my nail bed is beginning to. 

However, this is still a cautionary tale - said finger now looks like this:

and it really was quite painful!

Please be careful AND PAY ATTENTION when pushing fiddly bits under your presser foot, rather than, like me, watching Buffy stake vampires. 

That is all.


Kit Lang


  1. OUCH!!! Looks nasty! Hope it heals quickly and doesn't keep you out of the action for too long, I'll heed your warning :-)

  2. it is because of pictures like these that I'm a coward when it comes to sewing ... Kit, that must hurt like hell !! hope you have a speedy recovery and are back to your sewing machine in no time !! Sending some healing thoughts ...

  3. Anonymous12.9.11

    How bad is it that I looked at the last photo and thought, "Hey, that looks like it would make a cool under-finger protector for hand quilting?" We're all doomed! Really sorry to hear you've done this, and I hope it heals up soon.

    (I've been watching Buffy too, in my case because my hands are still being crappy and I have to rest them as much as possible. I miss sewing.)

  4. I can relate after driving a huge wooden splinter (a la Buffy) THROUGH my finger and out the other side. Yowsa!!! I was NO WHERE near anything that could be described as calm. Hope the mend is quick and memories fade!!

  5. Anonymous12.9.11

    OUCH!! This is why I prefer hand sewing for most things. I'm always afraid something like this will happen (or that the needle will break and ricochet into my eye or something.

  6. Ow, ow ow! You are quite brave to grab your camera and record the moment for posterity. Gotta hand it to your Juki for quilting through something as tough as a fingernail and fingertip! Hope your finger heals fast.

  7. I so would not have been thinking about taking a picture!

  8. I was kind of hoping you didn't have pictures, but just had to look, because I did the same thing, and know how horribly painful it is!!! Hope you feel better soon!!!

  9. Anonymous12.9.11

    My EMT hubby cringes when I put my fingers too close to the needle on my machine. I know why now! That sent shivers to my spine! Hoping for a quick recovery!

  10. Oh, wow! Hope you heal up soon!

  11. Anonymous12.9.11

    OUCH!!! Now you can say, "been there done that". And with a 14/90 needle! OUCH!!! Take care, Kit!

  12. Jdemillo- the top two pics were taken by BSP while waiting in the ER. The one against the table I took before I even went upstairs to ask BSP to take me to the hosptial. How bent am I that the first thing I thought of after "Ummm... I think I need to go to the hospital..." was "...but first I have to take a picture for my blog!"


    @FryeStyle - yes - I've definitely been there, done that, and never ever wish to again. ;)

  13. @ Pensively yours - your husband is right. Beware, chickens, beware!

  14. I sewed through my finger once also, but just missed the finger nail. I was actually really impressed with my machine not being damaged at all by it. I have no pictures as proof though as I didn't think of it. Is it a little weird that I am jealous of your pictorial proof?

  15. Oh my gawd!! I'm getting an adrenaline rush just looking at those pictures. I would have been screaming my head off!!

    You're very brave and I admire your grace under pressure. But seriously, that is so gross!

    Also, I HEART Buffy! I'm rewatching the series again for the billionth time. I'm on season 3 right now...what about you?

  16. OUCH!! So glad you're ok...or at least on the mend...geezzzz

  17. @Kimberly - no, it's hilarious that you're jealous!!! :)

  18. Kit, you wild woman. My Juki sewed through the head of a safety pin when I was machine quilting...just like it was going through cloth. I've been very cautious of my fingers since then.

    Years ago I sewed my finger while sewing leather with my Bernina. I was lucky. It went in and came out straight.

  19. Oh hell - that made me feel a bit queasy - no more buffy for you girl !

  20. Anonymous23.12.11

    This popped up in your sidebar...

    It was like a car wreck and I had to look. Feeling a bit queezy now! I have actually heard of this before, but never seen it. ~ Lynda

  21. Anonymous7.7.12

    Wooo Boy I just know that hurt. My mother once or twice ran the sewing machine needle thru her thumb.
    Healing thoughts to all!

  22. It sure did, Pat!!! :)


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