
Remember this from last year?

It had some problems.  Even more problems than I thought it did now that I'm looking at it almost a year later

At the time, I could see it needed some work, but couldn't figure out exactly what was wrong with it - so I decided that painting the background would help. 

I ended up with this:

Oh, ayuh, that's a whole lot better.  *heh*

Shockingly, I didn't like it much better, and I nearly decided to toss it - but then thought that maybe I could recycle parts of it. 

Ah!  Nowwwwwww we're getting somewhere!


Kit Lang


  1. I like this direction Kit... nice redesign!

  2. Yes, I remember this piece ... will we see the birds again, too? please ;-))

  3. I'm liking the blue. I guess it's because I don't know how to think out of the box about some things. Love the way you are not afraid to take chances.

  4. Carol - I liked the blue too, but then wasn't sure what to do with it after that... :)


So, apparently I'm open for business again. :) Say hi if you like!