You may have noticed


a distinct lack of Wednesday WIP.

Well, the tragedy continued... lol After I was done pouting about the kitty incident, I pulled out Love Drops to quilt. You may remember that I need to rip out my original stitching, as I decided that I didn't like the "double" heart effect.

Although I made that quilt top this past spring, which is not that long ago, I've made about 15 quilts since then, so I've learned a (tremendous!) lot since then, including that reallllllllllly closely spaced stitches are not a good idea.    Especially when you're trying to pull them out later. *ahem*

After spending nearly three hours unpicking (and having only ten or so unpicked hyperquilted hearts to show for it - or not show for it, if you know what I mean) I decided that I would incorporate the hyperquilted hearts into my new quilting design and have done with it.

Alas and alack (lol) new problems developed. 


It's a confetti quilt, right?  With oh, roughly 1 billion seams.  And though I had many, many needles on hand, all of them were of the skinny size, not quilting size, and I went through 6 packages of needles and  hours and hours wasted by constant putting in a new needle, re-threading, coming across another seam that was just a little too thick ten minutes later, and *poof!* another broken needle.

The stores were closed so I couldn't buy more, and I had already decided that 30 needles was the limit I would waste on this quilt.  Two thirds of the way through I reached needle number 30, and when it broke, I threw in the towel.

I'm picking up some new needles at lunch today and hope that I will have something substantive to show you tomorrow!




  1. That's a lot of needles:-( It's such a lovely quilt - it will be worth it!!! But I think after busting 30 needles, I would be giving the quilt some space till I cooled down:-))-like about a year!!

  2. Love the quilt!!! I agree with was worth it!!

  3. Holy moly that's a lot of needles. I'll tell you what I use for quilting - machine embroidery needles, 15/75 or something like that. I get them at, by the 100. I use them for machine embroidery yes, but they work great for me for quilting as well. I hate buying different needles!

  4. Amazing that after the last two days you have managed to still keep your humor! Bravo, and I hope that things start going more smoothly ASAP!

  5. I am liking the dotty spottiness that is glimpsed. Very fresh. Also the colours of red and white are classic - they always work.


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