By the way...

ETA:  The contest is over now and I placed a much more satisfactory second place.  Thanks for your votes! :)

I forgot until just now, that I entered an online quilt contest at Quilting Gallery.  I entered my piece called  "By The Sea" in the 'beach and sea" category.

The last time I entered one of their contests, I placed dead last. Which was fairly embarassing if a good lesson for my ego. lol

Anyway - if you like the piece, and feel moved to vote for it after looking at all the others, please do so:

You have to scroll all the way to the bottom to vote for "By The Sea". 

Hope you're enjoying your weekend!


Kit Lang


  1. You got my vote, Kit! Love it!

  2. very nice! beautiful!

  3. I think your quilt is lovely. I voted for yours and you are not last :-)

  4. ONE thing I know for sure - you'll not end up last ;-)) well done !! And congrats to be so brave to enter AGAIN after ending on that dreaded last place.

  5. just stumbled onto your page...its absolutely stunning. I am at a loss for words. Your stuff is so unique...hope to see more.
    I'm a beginner and this is so beyond me but gives me hope I can be more than just the boring stuff I make now!


So, apparently I'm open for business again. :) Say hi if you like!