Happy Christmas

(or holiday celebration of your choice)

In case you haven`t figured it out  already - this will be a non-quilting related post . :)  A teensy how-to follows though, for these and a few other little Christmas decorations I made for my office.

All of my materials are from the dollar store, which means that I`ve spent no more than $2 on any one item. 

 The simplest of course, was the vase of flowers.  The flowers were purchased by individual stem at $1.00 each, the vase was $2 and the sand and vase filler were simply layered in like a parfait.  Easey peasey!

In the first pic, there is a vase of the same size beside the one with the flowers. In it is a little tree in some vase filler. The tree started out like this:

and then I used a utility scissor to cut the plastic pot it was inl; and then cut the bottom of the pot out so that the tree would have a little stand. 

Although the tree was still quite small, it was too tall for my vase, so I used a wire cutter to trim the tree stump, which I then put back in its stand for stability. 

Mes voila!

I used the same simple process for this shorter, rounder vase; as well as come clippings from the Christmas pics in the first materials shot and made this little pretty:

Since these are so quick and easy to make (less than an hour for all three), if you like them, you can whip a couple up for your coffee or sofa table, or even a centerpiece for your kitchen table and still have plenty of time to finish whatever else needs to be done between now and Saturday.

See you Wednesday!

Kit Lang


  1. Very cool, Kit! Great ideas! I'll bet that your office is the most prettiest around!

  2. so creative kit - and a very merry christmas to you too


So, apparently I'm open for business again. :) Say hi if you like!