Pockets of Awareness

Do you know about Melanie Testa's campaign to raise awareness for women who choose to not have reconstructive surgery or wear prosthesis after having a mastectomy?

She talks about it HERE.  

Essentially, she wants us (yes, you too!) to provide her with pockets - one or two or 20 - however many you feel moved to make; pockets that are functional or not, made out of paper or knitted or quilted, or ... the sky's the limit!

She wants you to make her pockets, because if she can get 1000 pockets from all of us, within the next two weeks, a reporter in her town will do a news story about non-reconstructed breast cancer survivors.

My Tante Piekjte (or Tante Pie pronounced "Pea") was a breast cancer survivor.

She was not only my favourite aunt (I had seven); but she was my favourite person ever - smart and funny and independent - as a child of the 60's, her life was both unlikely and aspirational - surrounded as I was by women who were stay at home mothers, who had never had a career or even thought of one, who had university educations but only used them to find husbands; who bent to their husband's will and seemingly ceded their opinion in all things to someone else's wishes.

But my Tante Pie was single by choice,lived in a beautiful condo apartments in Amsterdam and New York; had a senior position with a very well respected government institution, had beautiful clothes, expensive jewellery, travelled extensively, and was unashamedly eccentric.

She also had a single, unreconstructed breast, that she was not ashamed of and felt no need to disguise.

She passed away 8 years ago at the age of 86, having lived a long and happy life.

So I made 8 pockets in her honour.

If you'd like to be part of Melly's quest to obtain 1,000 pockets and be part of her campaign to raise awareness for women who choose to forge their own way of being in the world - women like my wonderful Tante Pie and Melly herself - please contact Melly by leaving a comment on her BLOG and she'll forward you mailing details.

I hope you'll join us!

Kit 120

Kit Lang


  1. Great post, thank you Kit. I would have liked your Aunt.

  2. Good for you Melly and Kit!!

  3. Thanks for the info. I'm certainly on board!


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