Hare Raising

You know how sometimes you get working on something and it just never feels "finished"?  This is one of those instances for me.

After you saw it on Friday, I put another 11 or 12 hours into it adding more leaves, more hand stitching, more flowers, more grass... I could have kept going, but I got to the point where I realized if I spent any more time on it I would never be able to sell it.  It's meant to go in a child's room after all ... :)  JUST STOP KIT.

So let's get to the meat of it, shall we?

First I had to draw some hares...

...and then I had to paint them.

Some of the leaf work and layers of trees on top of each other...

On Wednesday, it'll all be a big surprise (to you AND me); but I *am* going to talk about flower pounding.

 Kit 120

Kit Lang


  1. This is very special. I think the child will grow up with quite a few stories in their head due to investigating this scene. Very illustrative - a quality you said you were wondering about being able to produce before.
    Sandy in the UK

  2. Oh it's stunning, Kit! Really fabulous. I'm especially impressed with the hares - they look so real

  3. Cute! When I used to work in the woods, I saw them all the time hopping around. Now I rarely see them (hmmm time for a hike I guess). I tried flower pounding quite a few years ago. Are you using the hand made paper? That was my favorite part of it... exploring all of the hand made paper. That was when we lived in a bigger town though. Haven't seen any of it for a while. Gosh, can you tell I just had my coffee?! LOL!

  4. Some child is going to fall in love with this lovely scene ... and won't care, or know, that you stopped after 5000 leaves !
    Sometimes I just get tired of a piece and step back from it with and look at it with synical eyes ... or won't even look it for several days.
    When is enough enough ? It is a hard thing to learn sometimes.
    I think you have finished ... are you happy about the extra hrs., did it make a major difference ? Then you did it right !
    Love the bark on the big tree !

  5. You never cease to amaze me. Not only are the trees from striped fabric but look PERFECT. Only you could pull that off. My first reaction was seeing the hares and saying out loud, Oh, I LOVE this" The hares are so stylized and adorable. This is a real winner!! No kidding!!!!

  6. VERY nice finished! piece....love the hares!

  7. For a child? thats me then lol
    Its light hearted and yet full of spirit........lovely

  8. A really wonderful piece Kit. A lovely story in fabric.

  9. I do like both versions, but the dark green on the second version really caught my eye, complete with the rabbits. It is charming.


So, apparently I'm open for business again. :) Say hi if you like!