The Year Of The Feather continues...

Right now, I'm making black wings...

Which of course, started out as a pile of feathers and some wool background fabric.

The boy's head is about 14 inches, so this portion of the wing is just over 2 feet.

And now I have to make another one. So that's MY weekend.

Hope yours is a good one!

Kit 120

Kit Lang


  1. Are the head and the wings linked? That wing certainly looks a labour of love.

  2. Two feet! Wow...that's a lot of work!

    You have me so inspired to make some birds. I'm going to have to go through my bird photos and/or take more while up at the cottage so I can create a bird series based on my photographs.

  3. I love how you've captured the blue & purple highlights. It's one of the things I love best when beading in black. First words to come to my mind when I saw the wing was "dark angel". Very nice.

  4. Thank you for the proportions on those pieces. Love the black wing and how you've interpreted all the colours found within 'black'. Is the white wing similar in size?

  5. That is one massively beautiful wing. I love how this is coming together.

  6. Your boy is so very handsome. I am just loving the wings you are making. They have so much wonderful texture because of the fabrics you have chosen to use. Great work!

  7. Love the black wing!!!!!

  8. Oh wow! stunning wingwomanship and intriguing too


So, apparently I'm open for business again. :) Say hi if you like!