Red Bench No. 1

When I left you on Wednesday, I said I had just a few more touches, so after I'd added some snow and some little cardinals in the tree, I was all "Done!"  

But as it hung next to my design wall, I kept looking at it, and thinking it needed something. So I added one more thing.

Red Bench No. 1 (c) 2013 Kit Lang

And NOW it's done!

Have a great weekend, and see you Monday!
Kit 120

Kit Lang


  1. Yes, I totally agree. just the touch.
    Well done,

  2. I love the simplicity of this piece....though I know it wasn't a snap to make! The red's just brilliant!

  3. I just "LOVE" this piece. Isn't art just wonderful. It is also amazing to see just what is inside of us. Be Blessed.

  4. Beautiful! : ) The PERFECT addition!

  5. Yes...that really does it.

  6. I love being able to follow your train of thought and the way you work through a project.
    That little splash of colour was the perfect finish.
    Love your style.

  7. I loved the piece in the first photo but the addition of the red bench was inspirational. It just invites the viewer in to sit down and contemplate.

  8. It's wonderful, Kit. It's not the colour of the bench, it's the human touch. It puts you in the scene. The whole feeling is different.

    To me, that is the difference between art and craft, although I usually don't give a darn about arbitrary labels.

    Anyway, brilliant! Thanks for the post. :)

  9. Utterly beautiful!


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