Parfait dyeing

So, about that dyeing I was talking about the other day.  Just about a month ago, I read about a dyeing technique at a fabulous technique blog called "And Then We Set It On Fire". (You may know about it already.)

Anyway, one of the posters on that blog named Rosalita, talked about a technqiue called parfait dyeing. She originally found it in Ann Johnston's "Colour By Accident" (which totally sounds like a book I need to have - could a title sum up my Jackson Pollock-like process more?)

The link to her explanation is here: and I really encourage you try it.  It's easey-peasey, goes incredibly fast (I mean, less than two hours total for these results? Hurray!)

Those first two pinks in this post were from the frst go-round I believe - the first layer was composed of fabric I first pleated, then folded in thirds, and packed tightly into the bottom of the container. I'm not showing you those in their "raw" state because I already have incorporated them into a quilt - but the last pic in this post in the purple colourway was made the same way.

The second pic (the pink) was first twisted and then tied into little bundles - I did a whole layer of them.  And the final, third layer (the first picture) was just scrunched up.  So beautiful!

The burgundy colourways were all linen cloths that were scrunched, and each layer tightly packed. The light greens in the first white/plum/green./yellow layer is just gorgeous; and the last deep purplish colour is so glorious, I only hope I can produce it again!

And then I did seven (!) more colourways, using the same methods - a layer of pleated/folded, a layer of twisted and tied bundles, and a layer of scrunched - what varied (besides the colours) was the order in which those layers were put in the containers.

Except, in this last batch I did four layers instead of three, I was amazed that the burgundy stayed right on top with no leakage whatsoever to the bottom layers.

This is the purple colourway I was talking about:

(Isn't that just wonderful?)

So, I'm not going to show you every single colourway I did - you get the idea now (!) but I just remembered I also did a bunch of 10 x 10 cotton and silk squares.   

And so I have twelve, 10 x 10 inch squares of this lovely purple and turquoise blue colourway.  Those just might end up in a bed quilt!  

And so ends my first adventure in pafait dyeing! I'm really, really pleased and will definitely be doing it again!


Kit Lang


  1. Great post. It looks like you had a ball dyeing all those colorways. It's addictive, isn't it?

  2. Love those colours

  3. I am glad you like the technique! You did have some great results!

  4. kit - i love you forever for this post, especially the link to the set it on fire blog!!


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