And... we're off

Because I can't seem to concentrate on one thing at a time lately, I went back to work on that flower:

I was bored with it as I quilted it on that cream background, so decided to overlay it with four different 6.5 inch wide stips of coloured tulle. 

That width of overlay was too much, but 3 inch overlays turned out well, so I did hot pink, grass green, soft pink, burgundy in the centre, and then soft pink, grass green, hot pink on the way out again.

I liked that and then proceeded to quilt the dog out of it, but then thought "what next?"

I thought about cutting it up and incorporating it in a larger piece, or maybe just sprinkling beads on it, but when I talked to BSP about it, the thoughts that came back were "beads make it look cheap" and a veto on the cutting it up.

So, I took it to my Contemporary QuiltArt Group this past Tuesday night, and asked for their thoughts without giving them mine. One idea was to build up the sides with darker fabric and then embellish it; one idea was to sprinkle beads on it; and the third idea was to cut it up and incorporate it in a larger piece!

I don't know whether that means there's only one completely original person among us, or whether we're all completely brilliant, but I like to think the latter.

So, I'm going to be making some more of these flowers and then (and THEN) I'm going to try to produce the same (or similiar) results that I got from one particular group of my parfait dyeing experiments to incorporate for use in the newly envisioned piece.

Pray for me.



Kit Lang


  1. Oooh! Looking good. Lots of flowers will be AMAZING :)

  2. When I read all those suggestions, I get the feeling I should pray for this innocent piece of art you're talking about ;-)))
    But honestly, I like the idea of more flowers - which would result in a bigger piece?
    Keep us updated - reading about your process is always inspiring !!

  3. Anonymous14.7.11

    Pray for about I just say hi and good job!...your inner Artist has spoken to mine...I get it. This flower quilt has motion to it...a fluidity...slightly musical/graceful...just beneath the waters surface.It sort of floats like one of those Chinese blooming tea balls ...mezmorizing.Elvis gives it a Pinkys out and a Thumbs up!

  4. Hey Elvis!!! Long time no see. :)

    I was just thinking about you the other day - the day before you posted this actually. I guess we're taking turns.

    Hope you're doing well - and - you could email me too. *heh*


So, apparently I'm open for business again. :) Say hi if you like!