WIP Wednesday

So, you'll remember on Monday, I had drawn out my trees on paper.  Since I was out of Steam-a-Seam, I actually used that paper as my template for my trees.  I did so by brushing thinned out craft glue onto the fabric, laying my paper template over top and cutting it out.  Which meant I had fabric with paper glued onto it when I was done.

And so later that day, BSP called out from the bathroom: "Honey, there's a tree in the sink. Should I wash my hands in the kitchen?" :)

After I had carefully dried out my fabric trees, I even more carefully sewed them down to my base.  (Those tiny little branches were VERY fiddly.)

The next layer is composed of two more trees... which I once again drew out on tracing paper...

referencing my original sketch of focal point, land and water.

Come by on Friday to see the finished product!

Kit Lang


  1. Kit, what beautiful art! :) I adore the photo of a tree in the sink and thank you for sharing BSP's call for direction. How completely adorable and supportive. :)
    ~Christina in Cleveland
    PS You have redefined "fiddly". :)

  2. The tree sitting in the sink is just beautiful and your husband's quote should be submitted to handmaderyangosling!

  3. Your trees look like they are dancing in the moonlight!

  4. Very nice job, Kit-and very inventive tith the glue and paper! Where there'a will, eh!

  5. What an intruiging piece...love it

  6. Wow! How wonderful!

  7. Anonymous29.2.12

    Incredible piece!!! Bravo!!!
    Stay inspired!

  8. Kit - a beautiful tree!!

    This is building up beautifully.


  9. I'm really likin' this. The trees seem to be dancing. Very lighthearted.

  10. So beautiful...the quilting is amazing.

  11. Ha ha...I love that your husband asked about the tree...too funny. Your quilt is beautiful:)

  12. Me ha hecho pensar usted sobre la INTENCIÓN y como uno puede llegar a ella.

  13. Perdón , pensé que si esto terminado no es su intención? ,pero no creo que no ...

  14. Susana,

    Aún no está terminado todavía. Casi!Y gracias - "intención" es la palabra del año. :)


So, apparently I'm open for business again. :) Say hi if you like!