Quiet around here lately....

ETA: For those of you who here for the link up - this is my "before" sewing room.  After is here

I haven't  been in this room since Wednesday night.

I wasn't feeling well (and to not quilt, you know I'm not feeling well!), and by the time I recovered, it was time to go. 

Beloved Spouse and I went away for the weekend - some much needed R&R time in the country.

So I have nothing to show you for my usual Monday post.  However, I'll make my "Monday" post, on Tuesday.

Perhaps it'll feature these lovely fabrics.  Who knows?

And how was your weekend?



  1. My Saturday was much too busy - digging up bulbs to divide and find places to plant again and washing the outside of windows and frames. Sunday rained all day and I got caught up with a book. Glad you are feeling better - never nice to be sick.

  2. Your stewdio is lovely, I am oogling the teal/lime stack.

    Holidays for us, all weekend long.

  3. Sorry to hear you've been poorly. My partner is suffering from the flu and I'm trying to avoid catching it!! Hope you are feeling a bit better?

    Your studio is lovely - I always find peoples workspaces fascinating - how logical or organic they are, neat or messy:-)Nice stash BTW:-)))

  4. There's nothing sadder than an idle sewing room!

  5. Coveting your sewing room!


So, apparently I'm open for business again. :) Say hi if you like!