Instead of WIP Wednesday, I give you "Gift Wednesday!"

Today when I came home from work, I collected the mail, and amongst the usual bills and importunate letters seeking my time, vote and/or charitable donation(s), there was a squishy package.

Now, ordinarily, squishy packages are a cause of much joy in our house, but I wasn't expecting anything, so glancing quickly at it, I saw that it was addressed to me and said "important documents enclosed".

I didn't think anything of it and brought it into the house with the rest, putting the mail in its accustomed place, (a large, flat, ceramic bowl on the kitchen table).  While I was taking off my outerwear, BSP sorted through it and inquired "Oh, did you get a present?" 

"No." said I.  "I don't know what that is." 
"It's a present" replied BSP.
"Really??!!??" I asked excitedly.
I gladly grabbed it and sure enough, it was indeed a present, from Elaine of Ultra Violet Yarns at La Belle Helen.

Inside I found the cutest little hat!  (Which I am modelling above.)

After trying it on several ways I've decided to wear it with the ruching on left side of my head above my ear.  That's probably exactly the wrong way to wear it, but I think it looks quite saucy.  *s*

BSP prounounced it "Very french."  It's chic and adorable at the same time.   

Thank you so much Elaine!  I have two coats and a jacket that this petite chapeau will provide a lovely contrast to.

I love it! 

Lovely readers, please take some time to visit Elaine's shop and her blog.  You won't be sorry you did!



  1. Thankyou for your lovely comment on my blog. Reading through yours shows some wonderful things ........... your quilts and "Flicker Fridays" ......... I could spend all day just drooling over them - thanks for sharing your finds!

  2. I'm so glad it arrived okay and you love it! It does look very french chic on you:-) I may ditch those official labels though lol!!

  3. What a wonderful surprise... and you look very darling in it!!


So, apparently I'm open for business again. :) Say hi if you like!