Double Helix on the Downbeat

This is the third quilt in my challenge series from 3 Creative Studios   Our challenge word this time was "Rhythm".

I started out with a different, but simliar iteration of this quilt when we first got the word “rhythm”. I knew I wanted to convey all the rhythms in the world – music and drums and dance and movement and the pull of gravity, tides in the sea… so I initially sketched out three panels encompassing these ideas and excitedly went about making them.
I began with the same woman I have depicted here, only in purples and golds on iridsescent blacks dotted with “stars”, and I was pleased;  and began to pull fabrics for the other three panels - but then stumbled upon how to incoporate these three disparate panels together.

I fussed about it for weeks, stalled in my process, and time running out, finally decided to start with the ”earth in rhythm” panel – and hope that the process of "how" would reveal itself in the making. 

The "earth in rhythm" panel was initially much bigger than this smaller earth in the final product, and as you can see, for some reason I felt the earth’s rhythm had to be depicted in fire-y oranges and bright and calming blues.

And then, as I was constructing my large, rhythmic earth, I had my “aha” moment. My dancer was drawing energy from the earth itself.

And so I had my ” rhythm”. Which I call “Double Helix on the Downbeat”.


1 comment:

So, apparently I'm open for business again. :) Say hi if you like!