Sleep, Baby

I'm on vacation at that moment (back to work this Friday) and so, have been away from the computer - so I missed my Monday post.  I was actually quite busy the first couple of days of my vacation and managed to start and finish three (count 'em - THREE) quilts.  Two babies - this one (and another that I'll post next week), plus an art quilt for my blog Coneflowers In Leslieville.  And then I rested.  ;)

Although this simple layout of circles and stripes is one you've seen before  (apparently, it's a "theme" with me - I should get that analyzed!); the fabric and colours are in some ways, a departure for me.

I mean, it's not; in that I'm doing my favourite thing - working with monochromatic colours; but pastels are not a usual choice  for me - nor are baby quilts - in general, baby quilts just don't inspire me. 

But, despite that, I picked up this printed fabric a couple of years ago,  (I mean who could resist those cute little dreaming babies?); and for some reason, when I deciding what to work on last week, this fabric called me.

Usually, when I have such a simple layout for the flimsy, I tend to do a much more detailed or complicated quilting; but in this case, these dreaming babies told me they wanted a calm back ground for their adventures, and so I acceded to their wishes. *s*

And, a little anecdote. 

When my oldest son and first child was a baby and toddler - he was an angel.  No really, he was an angel.  My friends, family, babysitters, church attendants - even strangers used to marvel at how extraordinarily good he was. (A "wiser" friend told me it was a trap so that I would have more children!) 

While I quilted this, I thought of him at that young age, and remembered one of my favourite things that he did.  When I would put him down for a nap or for the night, I would first rock him and sing to him, and kiss his little face and hands, telling him how much I loved him as I held in my arms; and then, when I laid him down, I would gently lay his blankie over his little body, lean over the crib, smile, close both my eyes at him in sort of a double wink; and say to him "Sleep, baby". 

And in reply, he would smile at me and close his eyes, and never would I hear a peep from him until morning!

And so, I called this little quilt "Sleep, baby" - in the hope that some other mother's baby will be so sweet and obedient as to sweetly drift off when asked.

Well, a mother can dream.  :)



  1. Szkornelia11.8.10

    This quilt is really lovely. I like it a lot.

  2. mimipark11.8.10

    How sweet- both the quilt and the lovely story. My oldest was like that too- we called her the "baby ambassador" because so many couple we knew became parents after they met her. I think they would have liked the magic of your quilt! The way you quilted the circles is fabulous!

  3. Kit_Lang11.8.10

    Alexis - when I tell that story to my current spouse, they always say "ALL first babies are a trap!" :D And thanks re the quilt! :)

  4. Kit_Lang11.8.10

    Thank you Szkornelia! And thanks for dropping by. :)

  5. Vicki W11.8.10

    That is adorable! Do not get yourself analyzed, you might change and that would not be good!

  6. Kit_Lang11.8.10

    Oh, alright then - just for you. ;)

    And thanks! :D


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