Breakfast at Tiffany's

Breakfast at Tiffany's, close up flower by Kit Lang

So, last week, I was a little bored with what I was working on; and I pulled out this lovely piece of dupioni silk in this pale shade of Tiffany blue.

I wanted to try my hand at a whole cloth quilt, and since it was my first try at making a whole cloth quilt, I wanted it to be fairly simple.

Breakfast at Tiffany's, crop 3 (beads) - by Kit Lang

I began by honeycomb quilting the entire thing, and then over quilting it with simple leaves, all of which I embellished with little silver beads.  I knew from the beginning that I wanted to add three dimensional elements of beads and flowers, and was pleased in the end with how it turned out.

My intent was to bind it in the same silk, but in the end, I wanted something with a little texture to frame it.

Breakfast at Tiffany's by Kit Lang

And, because of it's colour; I called it "Breakfast at Tiffany's".

I also have a little quilt up over at Coneflowers In Leslieville .  The quilt itself is a pretty little thing, but I dyed the fabric myself for the first time ever.  How cool is that?

Sneak peek:



  1. Kit_Lang18.9.10

    Thanks hon. :) I appreciate your saying so. xo

  2. This is so beautiful! I love the colour and the delicacy of the stitch and detail. Just so calming and restful, perfect!

  3. Kit_Lang20.9.10

    You got Dupioni silk for pennis????!!!! I paid $30/metre for mine! I have another set of silks for a quilt I'll be working on that I bought at 50% off, but still paid nearly $300.00 for. I know fabric is much cheaper in the States than here, but that seems an impossible price! *is boggled*

    In any case, for this one I used Gamut I embroidery thread, 4240.

  4. Carol20.9.10

    I have a couple of pieces of dupioni that I got at Joann's for pennies. The colors are navy blue and gold with burgundy irredescent undertones. Hoping to make a quilt for myself, but not too sure what at this time. What kind of thread did you quilt the piece with? It is very lovely and dainty.


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