Garden Salad

Garden Salad by Kit Lang (2)

(Monday post on Tuesday because I was away...)
This was the last of my "journeyman" quilts: the quilts I made when I first started quilting and was trying everything and anything - whatever I thought was pretty, or fun.   It was a good experience.  Not only did I learn a lot in terms of sewing; but I also learned what my style was, what worked for me, and what I wanted to know more about.

This pattern called a "bento box" was the last of the "working to someone else's pattern" quilts that I made.  Although I may in future re-visit making quilts based on other people's patterns (for instance, I see a sampler quilt in my perhaps-not-so-distant-future); from the time I made this one until now, I haven't made those kinds of quilts anymore.  In fact, before I made this one, I had resolved not to make any anymore!

Garden Salad by Kit Lang, quilting back

But the pattern was so pretty, and all the many bento boxes that I saw were so inviting.  So I decided to make one.  Of course, that turned out to be a bad idea - I always get bored when following someone else's pattern (which is why I made that decision); and I still hadn't grasped the importance of matching points.  Though I had , by this time, grasped the importance of a quarter inch seam; unfortunately, I had cut the pattern before I had grasped the importance of cutting everything exactly. the. same. (When you're making dresses, you can fudge the seam a bit if necessary!)

Anyway - I decided to quilt it this weekend, and you know what?  It's my second to last WIP!!!!

(Well, of the years-old WIPs.  I have some new ones to quilt).

Just one more of those oldie-but-goodies; and I'm FREE!!!!!

Hope you like my wonky Bento - that I called "Garden Salad".



  1. Fivesons4barb7.9.10

    What a lovely quilt and I so love how you quilted it!

  2. Kit_Lang7.9.10

    Okay, I've moved my thing for tonight - but what time are we meeting?

  3. Kristy7.9.10

    call me at 416-986-4565. I can give you Jennie's number.

  4. Kit_Lang20.9.10

    *hee* Thanks Alexis. :) Bentos really are so pretty - I'm glad to have this one - it's on our bed right now - lovely in this Indian Summer weather - the back is cotton voile so it's nice and light - but still feels warm. :)

  5. Kit_Lang20.9.10

    Thanks Ayala! And thanks for stopping by!

  6. mimipark20.9.10

    I love the quilting! And I love your inventory of lessons learned through the process... you are always so inspiring! I have a bento box (or bento box-ish) quilt in my stack of quilts to be... They are so very appealing!

  7. Ayala Levinger20.9.10

    Lovely quilt and wonderful post - I can identify with your resolution. Love the free motion quilting!

  8. Kit_Lang20.9.10

    Thanks Barb! And my goodness - it's been a long time since I've seen you around these parts. :) Weclome back stranger! Hope you're doing well. :)

  9. Kit_Lang20.9.10

    I would LOVE to give either of you a call, but I don't have either of your phone numbers as they're in my gmail contacts - which I don't have access to! I'll see if I can move something and come tonight.

  10. Kristy20.9.10

    Hi Kit. Jennie and I have been trying to get a hold of you, but no luck. We're meeting at Jennie's tonight and would love to have you join us. Feel free to give either one of us a call.

  11. Wow, the quilt is gorgeous! I love the combination of bright colors, geometric shapes, and the flower quilting.

  12. Kit_Lang28.9.10

    I left a message on your blog about "matching points" - hope it helps! And thanks with regard to the quilt. :)

  13. I got your reply, and it was very helpful, particularly the bit on true-ing up patches before sewing them together. Thank you!

  14. Kit_Lang29.9.10

    Oh great! Glad I could help. :)


So, apparently I'm open for business again. :) Say hi if you like!