Blogging Break

still life

As you may know, I'm going to be participating in my first show and sale this coming Saturday.  Unfortunately, I've had a set-back in this six week long battle against a cold I've been engaged in, and have had to spend the weekend in bed.  (Could this have come at a worse time, I ask you?)

I've been tucked up under my quilts reading when not napping, but that hasn't furthered my cause.

Consequently, I'm going to be working like a crazy person this week at night and won't have time to blog.  I'll miss you, but I'll see you next Monday.

And that book?  I highly recommend it!

See you next week!



  1. Good luck with the sale but be sure to take good care of yourself!!

  2. Thanks Toni, I'm going to try to do both! :)

  3. Get well soon & good luck with the sale!

  4. Look after yourself and get well soon! Good luck with your first show - your work is so lovely I'm sure it will be very popular:) xx

  5. I predict a raging success on Saturday, regardless of how you're feeling today.
    Would love to go, but I'll be out of town. Look forward to hearing/reading all about it next week!

  6. Thanks Dale! I really hope you're right - look forward to seeing you soon. xo

  7. Thanks Elaine - I hope you're right! :)

  8. Hope your crazy week is going productively! Good luck with your show and sale. :)

  9. Thanks Mary! I’m feeling stressed, but less so than I was yesterday. Tonight, I'll become a goddess of sorts by creating something out of nothing. I'll really feel I've accomplished something then! :)

    As I run out of it, time will become more and more my friend as I relax into the inevitability of its insistent progression towards due dates; and I shall become more and more calm, better yet, more happy when I get to that point where I know I've done the best I can and nothing further can be done - no regrets, no wishes or hopes - only the simplicity of the present.

    Then it's all a doddle, isn't it? Looking forward to Saturday, and doddling! :)


So, apparently I'm open for business again. :) Say hi if you like!