Weekend In The Country

(Maggie's making a cameo - she thought I draped the quilt this way expressly so that she could play with it
-and consequently, I couldn't get her to go away!)

A definite departure for me, this twin sized, all cotton quilt was made for a couple of reasons: the first was that I needed to produce something for 3 Creative Studios January Colour Pallette Challenge, and I didn't have a lot on hand in those colours. 

The second reason was because as I pulled these fabrics with bears, moose, pine trees, canoes and snow shoes, I was brought back to my childhood in Northern Ontario  - and I realized I had to make something, some day that was a reflection of growing up on the Canadian Shield, and this was as as good a time as any!

The thing is though, over the last week, I've been thinking about my involvement with 3 Creative Studios (the journal quilt project and the colour pallete challenges) as well as my involvement with my own co-challenge at The Art Quilt Blog to do journal quilts twice per month, and well...

the thing is, I'm not having fun.

I'm feeling really pressured to produce the 3CS journal quilts (I recognize the pressure is all my own, but neverthless); those little quilts take a LOT of time - 7-10 or even 12 hours - (what with the hand dyeing and the drawing and the painting and the hand stitching and the re-stitching and the... etc.) ; and they're not furthering what I want to do.

That 7-12 hours per week really eats into the small amount of time that I have to work on what I really want to do - which is already divided  between textile art and usuable quilts not to mention full time work, BSP, kids, family, home and friends! I don't know what I was thinking when I agreed to get involved in the first place!

(back - clicky to get a better look at the quilting)

I know that it's not really fair to use this month as the yardstick - having a death in the family removed ten days out of the 30, only adding to the time pressures - but the fact is, when I have finally gotten to my spend time in my creative space, it's been all about the journal quilts.

And so, I'm going to withdraw from the 3 Creative Studios Journal Quilt Challenge and the colour pallette challenge as well.  If I do that, I'll have more time - more time to be inspired, more time to work on ongoing projects, more time to explore and do and be.


And maybe get back on some kind of schedule!

Happy quilting to us all!

(And enjoy that wintery weather.)  :)



  1. Truly sorry to read that you did not have fun - and glad you decided immediately to do something about this situation! It would be a total waste of your talent / your spare time if you would try to "produce" because you have to (that still will happen often enough ...). So here I am applauding your decision !!
    How long did it take you to finish this twin sized quilt? Kit, you are really the speedy among the quilters I know - WOW! I probably would not have recognized this one as "Kit", but I still like it; and yes, it reminds me of the places at Washington State I've seen ;-))

  2. Hi Frauke - yes - when I was talking with BSP about it, she said "You spent all of last year being unhappy about your creative process because of rules you made for yourself. It's only a month in to the new year, and hear we go again!" So it occured to me since they're my rules - I can make new ones, right? :) So my new rules are, make only what makes me happy! ;)

    I'll still participate in the Art Quilt Blog Challenge, but that's it!

    The top took me about 4 hours on Saturday, and the quilting - which is fairly simple (vines in the borders, outline quilting on the blocks and lines through the two solids) took about 8 hours. It should have been a much short quilting time, but my green thread insisted on breaking every inch or so (my machine clearly didn't like it - but it never likes Guterman thread); but it was the only green I had in the right shade. I tried switching to one of my other machines, but I found they moved so frustratingly slow compared to the Juki that I went back to it - feeling psychologically better about the speed of her stitching. lol

    Anyway - thanks! :)

  3. Isn't that the way we learn? We try something, decide we don't like it, and adjust... or sometimes we do like it and that's why we keep trying. I don't think there's anyone who finds their path without a little adventure :-) I'm glad you're choosing to make your trek FUN-- I love to see when you are having fun! And I bet there's a kid out there who is going to love this quilt!

  4. Oh indeed! And it was so funny when BSP said "You spent all last year being unhappy with your own rules!" I was all "I could change the rules! lol I'm a Virgo you know, it's hard for me to wrestle with these concepts. ;)

    I hope some bambino somewhere likes bears and moose and snowshoes and canoes and... :D

  5. Your quilt is lovely Kit. I am so sorry to hear you can't manage the challenges as you hoped you would. You are the one who inspired me to join up in the first place. I am enjoying it and will continue. You will be missed. Maybe you could pop one in on occasion and not feel so pressured.

  6. I love seeing your creative process, your ideas as well as your finished work. Your move into art quilts sounds like an exciting project/challenge in itself so maybe extra challenges are just cluttering up the creative journey for you right now. Its all about you enjoying the process so go indulge in your happy mojo :))

  7. Elaine - you hit the nail on the head!! TOO. MUCH. STUFF. CLUTTERING. BRAIN. lol


  8. Hi Lynn,

    I'm still doing the Art Quilt Blog challenges, I'm just not doing any of the 3CS challenges - so I'll definitely see you over there! :)

    And thanks re: my very traditional quilt!

  9. Your BSP is a very wise lady ;-)) If your rules don't work - don't obey to them, change them! And as long as your time for your quilting is so limited as it is now - having fun is most important. Glad you'll stay with us on the ArtQuiltBlog ;-)))

  10. Love, love, love your weekend in the country quilt, would love to know where to purchase the pattern for this, but you probably did this without a pattern.

  11. I LOVE the outdoor quilt. So cute!
    I recently joined your blog as a follower. I was thinking you might want to do the same at decoulourant.blogspot.com. deColourant is getting quite a buzz in the quilting market. It removes and replaces the color of fabrics (IE wool, silk, hemp, cotton, etc) with ease and gives off a slight citrus smell. It truly is unique. Quilt ideas are now even more endless as your fabric can be created from anything. Even more, this product can be used to create patterns with the help of stamps and stencils. Visit www.harbor-sales.com for full info on deColourant and www.i-kandi.com to order. HAVE FUN CREATING!

  12. Hi Lisa, thanks very much - but you're right - I did it without a pattern. Normally, I would not give permission to copy one of my original designs (see my sidebar) but in this case, go ahead! The images in the blocks are fused (using paper backed fusible web) - I just traced the drawings of animals and the canoe and paddle from children's books I had on hand and made paper templates for the trees and houses and such and layered them on my background fabric. Then I just outline quilted them on for stability. Feel free to copy from the pictures if you like.

    Unfortunately, I can't give you any pointers as to the fabrics I used, as the printed cream fabric was a drapery panel I bought at a charity shop years ago, the navy blue is a top sheet from one of three sets of high count twin sheets I bought on sale last year for the express purpose of quilting (although I’ve since read the longarmers don’t like it when you use sheets [something about damaging the needle?] so if you don’t plan to quilt it yourself I wouldn’t recommend that); and the rest are scraps.

    Good luck – and if you do make one, please come back and link us to it!

  13. Hi Amy,

    I have deliberately chosen not to “monetize” my blog and do not appreciate in the least that you have imposed yourself and your products here without my permission. Do you intend to give me a portion of the sales that may (or may not) happen as result of your doing so? We have neither had a discussion nor come to an agreement in this respect.

    Please edit your comment to link only to your blog. If you have not done so by end of day I will delete your comment.

    Thank you,

    Kit Lang


So, apparently I'm open for business again. :) Say hi if you like!