
I mentioned last week that I had been hand-painting some fabric; and though I usually clean up such projects with batting scraps (for use in later projects); the piece I had on hand was "full", so I just grabbed this fabric remnant I had (a poly-blend taffeta) and used it to mop up.

The paint didn't adhere well to the fabric, but when I'd dried and ironed it, this was the result. I put it away with the rest of the green bits, and didn't think much of it, until the other day when I was sorting through them and turned it the other way.

And I found a tree waiting for me.

So I outlined it with thread,

and then filled it in with needle felting,

and quilted some leaves on the trees and grass on the ground.

And I decided to leave well enough alone for the background.

Here's the back:

I left it the same shape as the remnant because I liked the shape.  Have some ideas for mounting - stay tuned!

Hope you had a good weekend. :)


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