
Look what I did!

I actually finished a quilt, can you believe it?

I barely can!  :)  If you remember this top from several (or more) months ago, then you may be thinking, "Hey! Wasn't that a lot bigger before?" (I mean, a LOT bigger?) And you'd be right.


See, first I somehow managed to quilt the whole damn thing without noticing that the last, outer edge wasn't lined up properly with that good ol' quilt sandwich - and so fully 8 inches of of one section of one side, had no batting. Another part of the same side had no backing fabric (about 3 inches) and all in all, I figured the best thing to do was to lop off the 8 inches on that one side - and then a length along the other side - whatever it took, for the design to be balanced. 

That should work, right? Right! Except, for some bizzare reason, I couldn't manage to get it trued up after that! So, I'd shave off an inch along one side, and then shave off an inch on another side, and shave of 1/2 an inch on another side, and shave off an inch and 1/2 on another side - and before I knew it, I was standing in an ever-mounting pile of quilted strips.

Before it reached my knees and I had a doll quilt on my hands, I decided to quit before I got futher behind. 

I put a very nice binding on it, and I must say, it looks great on our grey couch, and I swear, even I can't find that one wonky side, even though I know it's there. 

So there.  :)

But I think I need to get back to practicing quilting big quilts again.




  1. I realize you posted this a while ago, but I'm just seeing it for the first time and want to tell you it's just beautiful! I love the colors you used (some of my favorites) and your quilted flowers are just wonderful.

  2. I really, really like this one.

  3. Thanks so much, Kimberly!

  4. Well, even after the drama I think it's a wonderful quilt!

  5. Beautiful! I remember when I was first learning to quilt and someone introduced the term "folksy" to me. It's my excuse for ALL my junk to be wonky - intentionally AND unintentionally lol.. I can never get that darn thing perfectly straight!



So, apparently I'm open for business again. :) Say hi if you like!