Friday Smalls.... and why I love Friday (in case we're raptured)

I'm not sure whether I've ever shown you this little guy - it's a quilted tissue cover I made to go with those little paintings - together they rest on one of the walls of my cubicle area.  The black background is a heavy (HEAVY) satin, and you may recognize the bird as being cut out from the immensely popular "bird" fabric that Ikea had a couple of years ago.  I still have a precious yard of that left.

And here's my list of why I love Fridays:

(card from

Next week, I'll have a finished art quilt to show you, a finished quilt, a fabric painting technique and one last giveaway (a fun one, I promise!); over the weekend I'll do a couple of slice o'lifes - should be a great week.

See you tomorrow!  Or not, if we're raptured... if we are, thanks for the memories!  ;)


Kit Lang


  1. I had forgotten about this. I remember back in May telling my husband that the world was going to end on his birthday!

  2. That black and white is wonderful. Now I want to make a set for my office. I love Friday too....for all the same reasons. Have a great weekend.

  3. I recognize that little bird... have some just like him in my stash! (Very cute idea!)

  4. That black and white is absolutely beautiful.I love friday too.

    Happy weekend


So, apparently I'm open for business again. :) Say hi if you like!