The Painted Quilt (with apologies to the Kemshalls)

Good morning!

I'm sure you're probably thinking.... "What in the world...?|

But a bigger picture might be coming through for you now.  :)

To go back a little bit, after I left you on Monday, I used that acrylic paint to paint out my colourful brick pattern. As you can see, it's given that colourful and vibrant backgound a whitewash, causing it to look almost red, white and blue, wouldn't you say?

My original quilting of the shapes and lines didn't show up very well after the whitewash happened, I knew it wouldn't but had hoped for slightly more definition (next time I'll be using a thicker thread for those parallel lines) - but the other shapes were going to be over-stitched with embroidery thread anyway.

If you look VERY carefully at the picture above, you'll see the faint outline of a head, done in... is that encasutic?  Why yes, yes it is!

We're nearly there...

Come back on Friday for the big finish! :)


P.S. I'm joining the Needle and Thread Network and Freshly Pieced for Wip Wednesday. Please go and see the wonderful bloggers participating and check out what they're up to!

Kit Lang


  1. Fascinating! I can't wait to see it!

  2. wowee - this is looking amazing! roll on friday :)

  3. You are so creative !! I am totally in awe! Looking forward to seeing the end result!

  4. A very relevant piece...I'm looking forward to how you finish it. Are you doing it for a particular show or presentation?

  5. how clever to disguise the fabric colours. I'll be back!

  6. This is amazing! I like the whitewashed look. Can't wait to see the final result

  7. I'm speechless (but wanted to comment ;-) )

  8. At this point I am not seeing the direction you are headed, but it sure takes some courage to 'whitewash' work already done. I don't think I could bring myself to that. I will be watching to see what happens and hopefully to figure out what is developing...

  9. Me tool, I've seen the white washing done on a quilt before but I'm not sure I'd have the nerve.
    I can't wait to see the finished piece!


So, apparently I'm open for business again. :) Say hi if you like!