Feathering my nest... (or Fabricpalooza!)

Now that the weather's getting warmer, dyeing season will begin for me - but these pieces were done during a oddly warm patch a little while ago.

I got some ink on an ecru silk blouse and couldn't get it out, so I broke it up into pieces and dyed it with some little bits of leftover dyes I had hanging around (months old so I was surprised at their efficacy), and then discharged with a water/bleach solution in a spray bottle.

a deep purple sleeve...

this was actually a mop up cloth of the lighter colours - a nice underwater fabric I think...

and a nice pale, greeny blue discharged piece...

For some reason, this one made me think of sharkskin, so I ever make a shark, I'll have the fabric!

What had started the whole thing was I had tried (and failed) at making some deconstructed screen prints - but I used the leftovers to try some arashi shibori (I think it's called that - too lazy to look it up - the pole wrapping kind of shibori)

These pieces are huge - 4 1/2 feet by 2 1/2 or so - and I think I'm going to make a skirt out of that green/pink version for summer.

I loved this piece too - this one is quite large as well - though not large enough for a skirt (!)- and it was just made by folding the piece of fabric various ways and then painting it with the leftovers.

Summers here are short and HOT and I must prepare my "nest" for the winter.  I have to make hay while the sun shines as they say, so I'll be doing a lot of dyeing over the next couple of months - however, I won't be showing it to you (I intend to do a lot of plain solids) unless something interesting happens.

In the meantime, (in real time, I mean) I am continuing the Whitewashed series - and I hope to be able to show you some progress on the next piece on Friday - right now all I've got done is piecing, gesso-ing, painting, and background quilting on the next piece and you've already seen all those steps on Walking While Black".

If not, I'll show you some shots of a quilt show I went to!

'Til then.

Kit Lang


  1. Ooh, those fabrics are lovely, Kit. I've tried to hold off on dyeing because I suspect that once the dam breaks there will be no stopping the dyeing and I already have a crazy stash. Enjoy!

  2. Wow. Nice fabric. I think I have alluded to the "Energizer Bunny" in the past. You really do pack a lot of action into the day. Ah, being young...

  3. ps. Still chuckling about the shark

  4. Wow some really nice results:)

  5. If I don't know anything else about you I know you are ambitious and that you love blue and purple. These are some nice pieces and I love the stories.

  6. I AM ambitious and I do love purple. ;) Got it in one, Carol!


So, apparently I'm open for business again. :) Say hi if you like!