Neither ghost nor dog coat nor apron am I...

Ta Da!!!

I'm a lunch bag!

(Ignore stray threads, they've been trimmed.)

I didn't quilt the outside as I thought it would be too hard to wrangle with the neoprene innards, but it does have bias binding on the uppers and handles so there's a little "quilt" work in there...

and speaking "in there"  - it's nice and roomy inside (not that you can tell by this picture!) and that neoprene will have great insulating properties!

Wanna come and join me for lunch today in the parkette?


Linking up with Michelle-Renaud through Thank Goodness It's Finished Friday!

Kit Lang


  1. What a fun lunch it!

  2. I break out in a cold sweat at the thought of making a bag! So well done to you.

  3. I'd love to join you for lunch!!
    Great bag!! I love the handles - is that bias binding around the inside of the handle??

  4. Love it! Great colours, Kit!

  5. Cute! I have never even seen neoprene in a fabric store, let alone sewn with it! Neat!

  6. Hey Kit, CUTE! I need to make one of these. I'm still using my daughter's Tinkerbell lunch box (that she would not be caught dead carry now.)

    Have a great weekend, my friend!

  7. I love it and will one day meet you for lunch. I promise!

  8. This is wonderful - perfect for a Summer picnic!

  9. you're so clever! i can and have made bags but i really don't enjoy it - yours is gorgeous and so carefully made :)


So, apparently I'm open for business again. :) Say hi if you like!