The Twins

The little rascals are complete - and unlike the Bobbsey Twins, these two are a little mouthy! 

Both being democrats, they have a little something to say about the upcoming election in the USA.


(Isn't he clever!)

(She may have a point.)

On Monday, I'm back to ferns!  A year ago, I made a fern, and during the construction of it, I said I was going to make a bunch of them.

Well, don't you think it's time I made Fern#2?  I do!

Kit 120

P.S. Linking up with Thank Goodness It's Finished Friday through Missy Mac Creations. Come and join the fun!

Kit Lang


  1. I'm all for ferns! :-)

    As for the twins...not so mouthy after all, eh? Or maybe it's just that these ones are Canadian...? ;-)

  2. Cute kids. I'd love to see a series of them addressing current issues.

  3. Cindy B.31.8.12

    Personally think you should leave politics out of quilting. Quilting should be all about love and leaving a legacy behind. All this leaves behind is hate.

  4. Hey Cindy - thanks for your comment. I don't make "quilts" (for the most part anyway), I make art. And my art is about me and my relationship with the world.

    If you're not interested in my work, feel free to explore the world of quilts. As you say, there is much beauty to be found there.

  5. Funny little twins. Being Canadian I'm not as invested in your politics, but I love that you are using you art to express your views. Isn't that what our art is all about!?

    As for the ferns, the first one is beautiful. By all means, make it a series!

  6. My thought is 'Don't give people ideas!' Remember Oprah! LOL!
    Who would have thought that these sweet little babies would give your response.

  7. Haha, love them!! And it's only "hate" if you're a staunch Republican ;) I'm not American, but if I were, I'd want a pair of these on my wall!

  8. Awesome! If the Americans are so foolish as to not reelect Obama, let's invite him here to govern our country. The Republicans are a scary lot...

  9. Since when is stating your views, if reasonable, "hate"? There's a long tradition of politics in quilting if you do the research and they're not about hate mongering but stating personal strengths and wishes for a better life. I always find it interesting that these comments never have a link back so we can see *your* "pretty quilts" Ms Cindy---if you're going to stand up for your convictions, stand up straight, not hunched behind a bush.
    I like your political textile art, Kit--it's not "mongering" anything but speaking up, thinking for yourself and staying true to your own principles!

  10. LOL. Cute idea Kit. Love that you can express your beliefs (and sense of humour) in such a beautiful way. Thanks for linking up to TGIFF. :)

  11. I can only second what people already said. Personally, I'm more drawn to explore the "lighter" side of our art - but I deeply admire your political art and the touch of humour I see very often in it (besides that, a "darker and more serious theme" is fighting with me to surface in my art... - we'll see ...)
    And when I feel your anger and rage coming through, I know there's a very good reason for it, and I look for more information (given the fact that I do not live on your continent - some of your news don't make it to our news ...)! So - would you please just continue to do what you do ;-)))
    Your two "mouthy" kids are lovely to look at - and what they are saying is just brilliant. Witty and to the point - congrats !!

  12. Anonymous5.9.12

    Kit, I live here in all this madness. It's refreshing to come by your blog and read your "artistic" quotes. If the Republicans in US could have their way, we would be separate and not equal at all. If only I could afford to move to Canada.Blessings, Kit and I so admire you.

  13. Thank you oh mystery person. :)


So, apparently I'm open for business again. :) Say hi if you like!