In Dreams

Not doing handwork much at all (as I said, I think this is the second time) - I have to say, this one was quite enjoyable.  It's a small piece (11 x 14"), and I made it that size so I could do some work on mounting fabric on commercially pre-made canvases. 

I forgot to take a pic of the back and the corners (I'll do that later today and upload them); but I'm pretty well chuffed with how those turned out.  After seeing the show a couple of weeks ago, I learned that the best thing to do was to wrap your fabric all the way around the canvas (which I did), and to extend the design in such a way that it was part of the wrap around (which I didn't.)

But it was only because I miscalculated how much would be removed once I trimmed for squaring.  Once I did that, it was actually the perfect size for the front of the 11 x 16 frame. (You'd think I had done it on purpose!)

And the hand stitching (though poorly done) was quite fun - I didn't have a plan for this piece other than the layout of the fabrics, so as I was stitching, I just followed the light.

I'm pretty pleased with it actually - and the whole point of it - bettering my "wrapping around commercial fabric" skills have been improved - so this is all good news.

I should have some work on "the shirt" to show you next week, and a funny surprise project that I made as well that I'm going to show you on Monday.

Have a great weekend and see you then!

Kit 120

P.S. - I've had an extremely stressful two months, and the last couple of weeks especially, I've been really, shamefully neglectful of blogs in general (if I didn't have automatic posting set up, it's not likely you'd have heard from me at all!)  So I haven't been reading YOUR blogs. But if there's anything you'd like to me to see, please let me know and I'd love to come and have a look! And I should be back to normal reading (even if I don't always comment!) next week. :)

Linking up with Quilt Matters at Thank Goodness it's Finished Friday and Off The Wall Friday

Kit Lang


  1. I love this piece! The embellishments add so much. :)

  2. the hand work is nice...the fact that it is not prefect gives it freedom to move which is what you were aiming for i think...keep it up

  3. The piece is beautiful, Kit, and I find the light play invites the viewer in for a closer look at the stitching and embellishments. Well done! I've also been out of the loop over the last several weeks. I hope things lighten up for you soon too! :)

  4. Don't forget to BREATHE !!! We love you anyway, whether you comment or read our blogs or not ;-)) Your handstitching is beautiful, great piece!

  5. That is a lot of handwork and I love the sparkles!

  6. Very pretty! I love the beads, especially the yellow square ones! Gorgeous!

  7. Anonymous9.11.12

    I really like everything I see on this one! Glad you like it too.

  8. Absolutely lovely. Your hand work is perfect and adds so much to the whole:)

  9. Kit - I am having a pretty stressful time too. But I still don't know how you manage to pack it all in! Hope you are well. Hxx

  10. this piece is absolutly beautiful!
    I hope that whatever is causing you so much stress is resolved soon

  11. I love the colours Kit, and I recall you mentioning that some corners were better than others at the show.
    My biggest news is a trip to USA next May...Can you believe it. i am alternatively excited and terrified!

  12. I glossed over this post in reader yesterday and have now come back and seen the bottom paragraph!
    Sorry to hear you are having a tough time. Stay strong!
    Love the finished piece.

  13. beautiful piece Kit! Looking forward to seeing the wrapping photos, I have been looking at doing a canvas mounted piece for a while, Just haven't found the time to play with it. Glad your managing to squeeze in a bit!

  14. VERY successful and the framing is chuf-worthy!!!!

  15. First of all - did you hear me say - Ohh Wow! when I clicked on your thumb nail this week?? I really think that most of us need a bit of glitz in our lives and love the stitching - I mean - really love the stitching. Anddddd secondly - I was just saying - that it was Sunday night and I was just getting to OTWF blogs and I'm the host!! pathetic - I think we deserve a few hours in the day!!

  16. I'm sorry to hear things have been so stressed for you. Your piece is beautiful and I love the hand work on it. Hand work can be so relaxing! Take care of yourself!

  17. Found you from Nina's Friday post. I love that you do not have to be matchy-mathy as I am also a "wonky" piecer, and am trying to get into slow stitching (aka hand stitching!) Hope your stress is less this week. I've subscribed to your blog, and look forward to seeing more of your work

  18. That is a very interesting piece!
    I'm supposed to be getting in a beading book for review that includes embellishing quilts, so I'm really looking forward to it.

  19. Hand work is very relaxing for me and that's why I love it...also like the funky look it gives in it's imperfection of not all exactly the same sized stitches, which is very ME.
    This is a lovely piece with beads and woven fabrics/colors/etc.

    The dog coat is cute. No, never made one. Doubt my cat would wear one for more than the time it took to struggle with him to get it on and he'd probably, no he WOULD win long before we accomplished that act!

    I hear you about WAITING for R. to give his farewell speech. I am sure he and his dear wife were in utter shock and had to be resuccicated (sp?) before they could be brought on stage. My DH gets ticked at me for being nasty about them, but I cannot always be a "good girl". LOL I've been known when winning at cards to be a "bad winner"!!! ;-)


So, apparently I'm open for business again. :) Say hi if you like!