European Goldfinch

whateverGoldfinch (c) 2012 Kit Langthenameofthisbirdis

European Goldfinch (c) 2012 Kit Lang

She's cute, no? :)

When I first embarked on this series - I knew I wanted to do something small, something representational, and something that would improve my technical abilities as an artist.

I'm only three in and I'm already seeing the benefits of working in a series! Yes, Whitewashed is a series as well, but I work on those only when I'm passionately moved to say something - so it isn't the same as this; where week after week, I use the same process, producing similar work, and just actively work at trying to get better at it.

As an example, I'm really pleased with the stitching around those little flowers - and it's making me want to do more hand work (words that were anathema to me as recently as a few months ago!); and so, for my next bird piece, I'm going to actively seek out something that will require more of it. You know how I know that? I've been watching You Tube videos on hand stitching! lol

But that piece will be in January, 'cuz next week I may have to do something Christmas themed. Hmmmmm. 

See you Monday, have a great weekend!

Kit 120
P.S. - I see I reached the 200 followers mark today: welcome recent readers, and thanks to all 200 of you for joining me here!

And as usual, I'm linking up with Nina-Marie Sayre's Off The Wall Fridays.  and Link A Finish Friday at Richard and Tanya Quilt.  Cheers,

Kit Lang


  1. I really like to see how how a series progresses - interesting. Congrats on reaching the 200 mark - I'm always amazed at what a wonderful way blogging connects and encourages - not to mention educates and motivates!

  2. Kit, I am enjoying your series. Congratulations on reaching a milestone mark.

  3. love the freshness of these Kit, no belabouring, but lots of skill shown--perfect little gems

  4. Hi, Kit. Came over from Nina Marie's. Haven't stopped by in a while, can't imagine why. Your bird series is beautiful. Intricate, yet, as Arlee noted, not belabored. I enjoyed seeing what you're doing.
    best from Tunisia,

  5. Really pretty Kit. I like the organic look of the limb and flowers.

  6. Very pretty with such lovely detail.

  7. I think you're doing a remarkable job with your hand work...and really...all of it. They're delightful to look at.

  8. Anonymous14.12.12

    I like seeing the series progress. It motivates me to work in a series to grow and develop the skills I enjoy. Here from Nina's too. Congratulations on the 200 mark!

  9. Lovely! My husband is an avid birder, so I always love to see bird-themed fiber art! Thanks for commenting on my blog!

  10. I love the texture! Interesting to hear about working in a series. I'm just starting a series and hope that it helps me refine my ideas and improve my skills. Glad I found your blog from Nina Maria's!

  11. Thanks Angela - I'm glad you liked the post!

  12. I am also exploring one theme and it is so exciting to see how a new venue opens your eyes and skill set!. I love your bird and especially the texture you achieved with the branch.

  13. Kit, it's beautiful. I am so happy that you are having fun working in series. I think it challenges us to be better.


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