Group of Eight Fibre Artists

Judy Makinson 

Linda Kittmer

Leah Hughes

Diana Bennet

Heather Van Riesen

Diana Bennett

Donna Funnell

A grouping including Heather Van Riesen, Judy Makinson, Leah Hughes and oh hey, there's me! :)

Another grouping including the above artists, plus Tracy Sawleski, Ann Toten and Jan Stapleton.

As above...

Another grouping including Heather Van Riesen, Linda Kittmer, Jan Stapleton, Judy Makinson and Ann Totten


Leah Hughes

Judy Makinson

I think this one was Tracey Sawleski

Donna Funnell

Judy Makinson

Linda Kittmer

Kit 120

Kit Lang


  1. Great exhibit! Very eclectic. Thanks for sharing!

  2. It was fun to see everyones work!


  3. What a stunning exhibition. Fantastic variety and I would love to have seen it for real.I have known Donna and her work for many years - instantly recognisable

  4. Hi Kit, Thanks for sharing both shows. What inspiring and such creative works!


So, apparently I'm open for business again. :) Say hi if you like!