Last Fall - In Spring

Wow! It took so long that it feels like it was quite the saga to get here, but it wasn't really - it was just one billion stitches, a stitch at a time. :)

Okay, maybe it wasn't one BILLION, but it was a lot! (That pic is clickable by the way - click once to open it and then twice to embiggen - and will be MASSIVE if you want to check out the detail). 

But speaking of details...

This piece was all about the details.

I started with a layer of painted leaves in two or three colours. And then I began building it up - first with two layers of "spring green" leaves, nearly a hundred of them; and then I FMQ'd some veins in them.  Enter rabbit hole.

I decided that it would be nice to give it even *more* depth by adding a two more layers of leaves in brighter green and slightly darker version.  And hey - since these were going to be the "top" layer, wouldn't it be great to give them some definition with hand stitched veins? 

Of course, as you know, I ended up adding layers five and six - which then (being paper leaves) had some oil pastels rubbed into them here and there for added depth, and were then hand stitched. And then of course, because I am insane-o I added a final, seventh layer, which was then hand stitched as well.

(All this for a piece which will likely never see the outside of my house!)

And then, there were more leaves, more grasses, flowers, bees, spiders, ladybugs, beetles...

Hand stitched flowers, mushrooms...the things that could be added were endless and the hand stitching it took to make them were also endless!

But that "devil" in the details was really a sweet little angel.

Because the details are what make this piece so precious.  :) I mean, has there even been a sweeter ladybug or beetle? *w* 

And check out those teeny mushrooms on the right hand side - not really obvious, but adding to an overall feeling of peaceful busyness - the world is growing and moving all around us if only take the time to look, right?

We won't speak of the squrirel or why he's painted...children may be watching!


(those pics are clickable too, should you wish to)

And though  an extraordinary amount of time was spent on a "rehab" of a piece from my "I hate it!" box that was just supposed to be a filler - I learned so much with this piece!

From my ruminations on time, to the physical aspects of what it takes to make a perfect piece of grass to what it takes to make cohesive grass  - I mean, who knew those ugly stitches in the original would be part of what made the piece great in the end!

And the making of it gave me more insight into who I am as an artist and solidified my purpose as an artist.
So, not bad all told.

Rehab complete!
Kit 120

Kit Lang


  1. This is a massive amount of work! Glad you stuck with it!

  2. You've just proved that tenacity is its own reward. Kit, this is really wonderful......

  3. It's wonderful...just ask any Hollywood's amazing what a little rehab can do! lol! Beautiful piece! Have a great day!

  4. This is terrific, I love the mouse! I see him as though he is leaning in the doorway of his home surveying his kingdom. And, it's a great kingdom. Thank you for sharing this with us, particularly in the "embiggened" (?) state, your posts are informative as well as lovely to look at. Thank you for taking the time to photograph the stages.

  5. Wonderful! I love the little surprises, Kit. Congratulations on working through it all!

  6. Yes, indeed, you are my hero. This is some gorgeous detail work. And I love when effort is expended just learning and worthwhile. Hooray!

  7. Its sheer delight! You have the patience of Jobe girl!!

  8. Lot of work Kit, But the outcome is so worth it. Love the piece, I'm in awe of your talent.

  9. Don't hate me but I just LOVE the third photo of the leaves. Can you just cut out that piece and send it to me please :)

  10. What a great accomplishment! Thank you for letting me travel with you on the journey.

  11. Not bad at all!! Those little creatures are awesome, and I love all of those leaves!!

  12. Amazing work. Thank you for sharing your journey with us.

    ktreve (at) hotmail (dot) com

  13. What a lush and generous piece this is and I really got a chuckle out of "kids might be watching".

  14. Wow ... amazing amount of hand-stitching !
    You should be very proud .... particularly of the way you felt as an artist from the 'stuff' you learned along the way !
    I am so glad that you pointed out the mushrooms ... a detail I would have missed.

  15. A real labour of love in the end. All those small details just draw the viewer in and make the piece so much more than just a pretty scene.

  16. A Beautiful piece. I really like how you show the overall picture & then take us to a new page with all the detail. I must learn this trick. I really can't believe how fast you can complete a piece when you do so much hand stitching detail. Forget the meditative...relaxing...feeling you talk about...for me that's STRESS all the way. lol
    I have a lot of catching up to do.

  17. I love the mouse and bees and mini beasts, they make this delightful piece even more personally beautiful.

  18. all I can say is WOW!!


So, apparently I'm open for business again. :) Say hi if you like!