
For this show, I'm not posting the entire show, but only what I thought was interesting.  Starting with...

(It took me a while to get why it was an Ode to Dr. Seuss, but then I saw the one fish, two fish...)

BSP had two favourites in this show (favourite enough to buy although we haven't contacted the artists yet).  "Bubbles"  was the first one.


 This one was *my* favourite.


And this is the other one that BSP wants to buy.

If you click on the pic above, and then click twice again, it's big enough that you should be able to see the technique, which was really interesting. I haven't figured it out. Any ideas?


And this was best in show.  It is beautiful, there's no question, but I was disappointed that something so traditional won. Beautiful silks, wonderful workmanship, but it's really a kimona shaped quilt. I would have rewarded something more innovative, and certainly something that was more reflective of the theme, which was "Water".

So that's it for shows (for this week anyway!)  I've had some family stuff going on so haven't been in the studio for a weeks, but I hope to get in there this weekend and have some work to show you next week.

Have a great weekend!

Kit 120

Kit Lang


  1. I'm honoured that my piece is included amoung your favourites Kit. Thanks!

  2. Every single one of these is extraordinary! Makes me wish I could see them for real. I have to say I particularly liked the one called Waterfall.

  3. Thank you for sharing these pieces Kit.......

  4. Thanks for the walk around to a show I couldn't attend. So many beautiful and inspiring pieces! I LOVED the bubbles piece as well! I think it was my favorite of what you posted.

  5. THAT was a great show. Was one of yours in the show s well?

  6. Thanks for sharing your pics from the show. Beautiful and inspiring. Sort of know what you are saying about the kimono. Such is the subjectivity of judging, I guess.

  7. Wow.........adore that first felty piece! thanks for the peek at such wonderful work


So, apparently I'm open for business again. :) Say hi if you like!