Wordless Wednesday?

Friday's the big finish!

Kit 120

Damn it! NEARLY wordless...

Kit Lang


  1. LOL I have a hard time with "wordless" too... Twitter is a challenging platform for me, even with 140 characters LOL! Very cute!!

  2. LOL. I like mousy and the mushrooms don't look like a porcupine anymore. Did you unpick the quills???

  3. Anonymous9.5.13

    I love all of your work. You show so much fine detail in every aspect. The post is small on my site, but suits the poem very well. It does not show as much detail as I would have liked because of the pic size, but that is okay, the jest is there. I especially love the colors...with the gray it looks like the wind through the trees. http://redclayandroses1.wordpress.com/2013/05/09/leaving/

  4. Squirrel looks great in the pics

  5. So funny! Wordless would be tough for most people, I think, lol! New squirrel? So many details in your work; I just love it!


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