Week Links Post - 8

There's a lot to cover today, so let's just jump right in!

Textile Artist has done a review of "The Fine Art of Crochet" HERE

Illustration Friday has done a tutorial on how to use the colour wheel HERE and also offers nine ways to run a smart creative business HERE

Altoon Sultan blogs about her transition from landscapes to smaller, abstract works HERE
(If you click on no other link, I HIGHLY recommend you click on this one.  Really interesting stuff about the "burden of content".)

Contemporary Art Daily has done an review of the work of Michaela Meise HERE "If there is a common ground to the exhibited objects – a book, furniture, ceramics – it would be the notion of the grotesque" (The "grotesque" as a literary device was something I was very interested in when I was at uni, so its use in art is also interesting to me.)

And in a meta moment, I'm linking to Art Propelled's link post of some her favourite textile artists HERE

Textile Artist has done an interview with Raija Jokinen, a really interesting figurative textile artist HERE

Over at Thought Form, they've done a well-written review of  Marianne Gagnier's paintings HERE

Arts in Bushwick does a review of an outsider artists group show called "Outside In" (on display at Life on Mars Gallery in Brooklyn through March 1st). You can read about that HERE (wish I could go and see it!)

And finally, Clive Hicks-Jensen has a guest artist post by Peter Slight, who says:

In this recent post Clive talked about the importance of negative space and placement within an image. In the comments I mentioned the illustrator George Him who I feel displays a mastery of these skills. 
and then goes on to further discuss and illustrate that HERE. Good use of negative space is something we could all learn from!


And totally off-topic, but since you all know how much I love fairies, I couldn't resist adding this :  Icelanders are protesting the building of a road because it will disturb the elves.

No seriously! A study in 1998 showed that 54.4% of people in Iceland believe in Fairies, and another paper in 2000 showed the same belief in elves.  I should move to Iceland! Yes/no? ;)

Have a great weekend!

Kit 120

Kit Lang


  1. I look forward to your Friday link post!!

  2. Great links as always (thanks) and I really liked the fairies article. Always did like Iceland!

  3. So many interesting links again. Thank you.


So, apparently I'm open for business again. :) Say hi if you like!