Week Links Post - 11

Artist Catherine Nelson composes "paintings" made of hundreds and hundreds of photographs put together, in a series called Expedition. At Colossal HERE

Also at Colossal, artist Irma Gruenholz makes beautiful hand-sculpted clay illustrations. You can find those HERE

Over at Hyperallergic, they're looking at "Indian Space Painters" a
One of the more intriguing and underappreciated of American art movements is the group called the Indian Space Painters. Seeking an innately American response to Cubism and Surrealism, artists such as Steve Wheeler, Peter Busa, and Robert Barrell began in the late 1930s to combine elements of Native American and pre-Columbian art in mosaic-like abstractions. 
I'd never heard of this movement, so I, at least, have certainly under-appreciated it! To my eye, at least, these paintings look extremely contemporary. You can find that HERE  

Kevin Blake at Bad At Sports has an illuminating interview with Molly Zuckerman-Hartung about her paintings HERE

Studio Critical talks to Steve Gibson about his process and problems in his work (paintings on more traditional substrates and drawings on Mylar) HERE

Illustration Mundo has the bright and colourful work of Mercedes Lagunas HERE as well as the remarkable, almost dream-scaped work of Arlo Keo Valera HERE

I often visit One Big Photo (which, as their name suggests, posts one big photo per post) - the photos range from stunningly beautiful to absurd, but I had to share the recent photo of Ponies in Sweaters given my recent chickens in sweaters post. Have a look around while you're there, though. Lots of eye candy HERE

And for your weekly fibre inspirations:

  1. Remembering tomorrow has a piece on Kantha embroidery HERE
  2. As well as Sashiko and Boro HERE
  3. And Textile Artist talks with contemporary abstract artist Raul de La Torre HERE

Have a great weekend - see you Monday!
Kit 120

Kit Lang


  1. Loved the clay sculptures and Arlo Valera's photographs. I even sent my brother the link to one big photo. Great stuff. Have a great weekend.

  2. Thank you for sharing all the fabulous links you've hunted down online......you've saved me a LOT of time....grinning......

  3. Great links. I love Catherine Nelson's photos.


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