Friday Week Links Post - 19 (on a Tuesday? lol)


(Sorry, I didn't know it hadn't automatically posted!)

Vinz has another street art “show” up called, fittingly enough, Tempus Fugit. Photo courtesy of The Wooster Collective. You can see more photos, and the post, HERE

The City of Sydney is doing something really beautiful. I don't even want to give it away, but go and have a look at it at This Colossal, HERE

Scholars and Rogues has done an  “unsolicited” review of the Quilts and Color exhibit at the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston. The author doesn’t seem to have encountered quilts as an art form before and is pleased and rather surprised that they qualify. Yay fiber art!  You can read that review HERE

The Metropolitan Museum of Art has made nearly 400,000 high-resolution pictures of iconic works available for download to use as reference, inspiration, or even art for your home! You can find that HERE


There's an article in The Washington Post about the success of the "Degenerate Art" show on now at Neue Gallerie in New York. Apparently, the titillation of it's being labelled that way has made the show quite successful. The author wonders however, if any or all of it is actually good art, and if it would have a place in history without being so named. Have a look HERE

Fiber Art In the News!

Mandela: 3 of Pairing Knives (Swords) by Susan Shie (with permission of the artist)

The Columbus Dispatch out of Columbus, Ohio, has an article about the 2014 Quilt Surface Design Symposium, although the author annoying refers to the work as "craft". (Grrrrr!)  However, if you're in the area, you can see the show through June 8, and it's sure to be a good one!

The Headlight Herald out of Tillamook, Oregon, has an article about the Latimer Quilt and Fiber Festival (at the Lattimer Quilt and Textile Museum) with guest, Helene Knott, who makes beautiful (large) landscape art quilts. You can read about that HERE

Kit Lang


  1. It's good to keep up on our toes. Thanks for the inspiring reading again this week! Besides, now that I'm officially retired, every day is a Saturday!

  2. Well,a s it's now Friday and I'm only just reading this then I guess it's OK. Sydney is amazing.


So, apparently I'm open for business again. :) Say hi if you like!